About the Author

Becky is an author, speaker, Bible teacher, mom of three loud boys, and the Community and Editorial Manager for (in)courage. She loves writing about anxiety, motherhood, and the kindness of God. Long naps, shady trails, and a good book make her really happy.

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  1. This reflection sheds so much light on a society that tends to discard the ashes of brokenness. Thank you Becky for always making sense of your life journey. Your mama!! A blessing!!

  2. Such truth shared so beautifully to bring hope to our hearts “in the aftermath” of life’s challenges! Thank you, Becky, for sharing real world experiences and inspiration!

  3. Becky,

    I love your mom’s ingenuity! I too love to take what’s old and sometimes ugly and make it new and pretty. I say this is what God does for me. His mercies are new every morning!

    Sending you end-of-summer JOY,

    Lisa Wilt

  4. So inspiring, Becky. I am facing moving into a new house in a few weeks that needs LOTS of updating. Finances are very limited as is my energy, so I am trying to think outside the box. This message was so timely and helpful. Time for me to be creative.

    • Oh, Madeline, I’m so thankful this devotion was right on time for you! Surely God can breathe fresh creativity, vision, energy, and contentment into your heart and home.

  5. Becky,

    I wish I had your mom’s vision & ingenuity. God takes what seems busted up, wasted & turns it into beauty. Love how after rain storms there is a rainbow. How Jesus paints vibrant colors on mountains & trees in the fall. Right now I feel a bit busted up. Have some minor aches & pains. Deep down I know God isn’t through writing my story.

    Blessings 🙂

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