About the Author

Tyra is a wife, mom, coco, friend, and author of Virtue: Living Uncommon in a Common World. Her passion is pastoring alongside her husband and making sure everyone she meets encounters the goodness of God. Tyra loves time with her crew, laughing, sunshine, and jeepin’.

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  1. Tyra,

    Thank you for sharing! I shared this devotion x 2 because I think it helps when we realize we are not alone!

    Sending you Summer JOY,

    Lisa Wilt

  2. “My emotions adjusted to the word of God” is a great way of putting it. I am easily overwhelmed by my emotions and prone to pity parties. The negative emotions and anxiety need to be overcome by the truth of God’s word. Thank you for that reminder.

    • Those emotions of ours… they are a gift from God, but sometimes they try to dictate our lives. When they don’t match the Word of God, we have to adjust them. Sometimes that’s easier said than done. I’m praying for you to take every thought captive
      (2 Corinthians 10:5). You and the Lord are in this together.

  3. Thank you for the reminder that we are not alone. We believe lies and we need to take those thots captive and realize we are believing lies. Keep Jesus close and stay in His word for His truth! Blessings, grace and peace.

  4. Dear Tyra……..Another devotional that applies to me and something what I really needed today. For 17 months I have been going through a most difficult situation as my husband of 55 years has the (violent type) of Dementia and he almost killed me on 4/20/2023. That date will forever stay in my mind. He was in denial and after 6 years still is. My son has dismissed me as his mother as he said I was lying about his father. He also told me I could never see or talk to my grandson ever again. He was 12 years old at the time. These things were and are still heartbreaking and I have cast them to Jesus, but I am not as patient as I should be. I know they must be working on something, but I think since it has already been 17 months that sometimes I think Jesus has forgotten about me even though I know in my heart that He hasn’t. I am 77 years old and have long haul covid which also affects me negatively. I so often say how lonely I am, but you are absolutely right, I know I’m not. My Holy Spirit is here with me always and I know too that God and Jesus are too. When I start my pity party as you referenced in your story, as I said I know I am not, but sometimes I feel that the lack of having a human being here to encourage me and hug me is what I feel lonely about. Tyra, is this wrong? Should I be praying for forgiveness because I often feel this way? It is my grandson that I just can’t forget about. I follow the Serenity Prayer and I realize that I need to have the Serenity to accept I cannot change the way my son feels (he is 54 years old and was the sweetest, kindest son you could ever want until he got married at 35. His wife hated me even before they got engaged. They both threw their religion away and refused to go to church anymore. This is really weird……….No church would marry them as they were not members. They ended up getting married in an Art Museum with what looked like a fortune teller with incense and sand. This crushed me too. I am skeptical that they are even married. One last thing, Tyra. She was pregnant in their first year of marriage. I begged, I pleaded, I got down on my knees and then changed to yelling and screaming and anything else I could think of, to no avail. I asked them to take one month of her pregnancy and for 4 Sundays, go to different denominations of churches and at the end of the month, sit down and see which one they liked the most. Another NO ! So one more heartbreaking thing to deal with as I am a member of a UCC Church and the 2 main covenants we have are 1. Being Baptized 2. Holy Communion. My one grandchild, Carter was never baptized or afforded the chance like I did to do to Sunday School when I was 5 years old, all the way up to confirmation and onto being confirmed and finally being able to take our first Holy Communion. It was one of the best days of my life when that happened. My son was brought up in the Catholic Church as because my eventual husband date raped me and 3 weeks later I knew I was pregnant. Because of the way I got pregnant, back then they made me get married in a Catholic Church and sign a paper to bring this child up in the Catholic faith. I couldn’t do that as I know very little about the way they go about is so my husband had to do it and my son Aron really disliked the whole experience, but Catholics have a whole different way of doing things and I am sure you know, Tyra that those children are confirmed when they are really a lot younger than I was and Aron really didn’t understand what was going on, so when he went to college and his father was not there to drag him to 7:30AM Mass, that was the end of church unless there was a funeral or wedding that we told him he had to go to. I know I am rambling and I apologize for this lengthy email, but there is so much to understand before you can perhaps give me some advice. The women of incourage are to me really Angels sent to us for Help and knowledge. Thank you and have a Blessed Day………………..Love to you Tyra, and because I could do this, I don’t feel alone now……Betsy Basile

    • Hi sweet Betsy!

      My heart goes out to you. I truly believe the Lord is right there with you in every scenario. Even the extra hard situations and when you have questions, He’s there. Don’t give up hope. Love never fails. The Lord hears your prayers. Keep loving, keep forgiving and keep praying. You are not alone.

  5. I have been praying for years for the Lord to heal the brokenness in our family. My husband has not seen our youngest grandchild and she’s already a year and a half. The brokeness in our family is caused by past sin. My husband and I are both in our 70s and I pray this all gets resolved before we leave this earth. I feel so alone sometimes I don’t see or hear how the Lord is working to do this. I hang onto trust and Faith, but sometimes I fail.

    • I’m so sorry to hear about your situation. The reason the Lord hates sin so much is because it brings only hurt and heartache. But what a good God we have. He does heal the brokenhearted. He does give beauty for ashes. He keeps us in perfect peace when we keep our mind stayed on Him and our trust fully in Him. He had to correct my thinking. I was thinking about the wrong things. When we think on His Word, it calms our heart. He hasn’t forgotten you. Keep the faith. You are not alone.

    • Dear J, I don’t know if you read my long email today, but when I read yours, I had to reply to you, Your situation is very much like mine. I have not seen my son or only grandchild in 17 months. My son called me one night (he is 54 years old) and I am 76 years old. He told me that he no longer considered me his mother and I would never, ever see or talk to my grandson again. My husband of 55 years has a very violent type of Dementia and came close to killing me on 4/20/2023. I had to have him evicted from our house of 40 years for my own safety. I stayed with him for 3+ years trying to get him out of denial and my son wouldn’t help me as he was in denial too and said I was lying. They both blame me for the disease, but my husbands very close relatives all died of Dementia so it is in the genes. I like you pray and pray, but I feel alone so often as I know that God and Jesus are always with us. It is different for me because I can’t even see my husband. Every time I pray it is the same thing as you that this heartbreaking situation will be resolved before we leave the Earth. I will put you on my prayer list and hope that we get our sign soon, but of course, God has his own timeline so when you and I are older, we don’t know how long we will be here, so we worry much more than many other people. Please try to think about your Holy Spirit too. I send you a hug and I will remain praying for you……………….Love to you………………Betsy Basile

  6. Thank you for sharing. I had to smile, because you used all the Scriptures, God gave me when I was recently going through a difficult season. One morning I was taking the trash out and while walking to drop it off, I spoke to God in the quiet of the morning. “God, how am I going to get through this next year, when I feel as if I cannot get through another day?.. before I got back to my front door, the Scripture dropped in my mind loud and clear… “Whatever is pure, whatever is TRUE… think on those things.” as well as Take ever though captive…. has been huge in my life. The way I know it was God, is that I have thought of those scriptures in years. Suddenly out of the blue? … I don’t think so. Definitely God. So, “Just for Today” I live life to its fullest.

    • Hi Sharon!
      I love this! It’s the sweetest when the Lord uses His Word to ease our heart, correct or encourage us. He is so good. Thank you for sharing your story with me.

  7. How timely and personal for me. I am trying to sell my house so that I can move back to where I call home. After 2 years of looking, i have a house I can buy thanks to some special people who are selling the house of their aunt, who was a friend of mine. Their generosity means I can afford the house, and they are giving me the time I need to sell my current home which hasn’t been as easy as everyone keeps telling me. I feel so down and although I don’t want to admit it, I questioned my faith in the Lord. Am I not trusting enough? Am I going through the motions without my belief being as strong as it should be? In God’s time, not mine I guess.

    • I feel your heart. Sometimes it’s hard when we get attached to a dream. One time the Lord clearly told me, “If I’m telling you to do it, it’s better.” He was telling me that even though I wanted something, what He wanted for me was even better. It’s the same for you. Find that peace in your heart. What the Lord wants and has for you is even better than what you would have for yourself. He’s got you. And His timing is always perfect.

  8. Tyra,

    A few years back I was caregiving my aging dad. His dementia got so bad I had to put him in geriatric psych unit at hospital. Spent many hours in the lobby crying & praying. Asking God to just take dad home if this is how it’s going to be. Reminded myself of scriptures. Kept telling myself that God will handle this in His timing & way. First time dad got healed & was better than before. The second time dad did not make it. Both times God answered my prayer His way.

    Blessings 🙂

    • Hi Beth!

      Caregiving is such a selfless act of kindness. I can imagine the Lord crying with you each time. He’s so good. I’m sorry for your loss, but rejoice with you to one day get to see your dad in perfect health again in Heaven. Thank you for sharing your story.