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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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  1. I’m literally riding to my husband’s office so I can wait to fill in for a co-worker who is off this weekend. Our jobs do not overlap so “my” job will only get attention when/if hers is slow. I won’t start work for another hour &: half so I have time to kill/waste until my day really gets started. BUT GOD doesn’t waste a moment so I will read, pray & simply be still while I await being busy. I don’t like being up early or not being where I could be whittling at those to do piles yet God is with me. My office/home looks like yours!!! Thank you so much for this perfectly timed post!

  2. Trying to manage my own family’s things and at the same time trying to manage my older sister’s life since she’s had a stroke has been so overwhelming, hard, sad, and frustrating. I don’t have a clue what’s ahead, but I thank the Lord for holding on to me and keeping me together when I’ve fallen apart.

  3. Anna,

    I shared your devotion x2 as it’s so relatable. For first time in my life, I can manage my schedule as I am newly retired. The kids are grown but oh how I remember the days of overflowing laundry! It was a Mr Rushmore size challenge to rush less! I was never done with my to-do list.

    PS (You do an excellent job each day recording the devotions. I know how many takes would be required for me to read them as perfectly as you do.)

    Sending you summer joy,

    Lisa Wilt

  4. Hi Anna, What a wonderful story that certainly applies to me. My to do list is always overflowing. I have to push myself to do what has to be done, and everything else will have to wait. I am 76 years old and have read your story in “100 days of Strength In Any Struggle”. I am going through that book for the second time and find that what I journaled the first time has changed. Interesting all that I have learned from your (in)courage community devotionals has been life changing for me. I was a manager for 45 years during my work season, but am now retired at 76. My managerial “brain” so to speak is still running and it was everything always needed to be done immediately. I have gotten a little better about not punishing myself for thinking this way. I have found from you that I need to remember to lean into God and I will continue to read my Bible. I do love yours. it is magnificent. Don’t know if you remember my previous reply to one of your stories, but it has still not been settled, but I did as you suggested and asked Jesus if I could give them to him and I am not worrying so very much anymore. It is just the abandoned son and not able to see my 13 year old grandson for 16 months now, that still breaks my heart. I can’t seem to shake this no matter how often I pray. I know that God’s timelines are not the same as ours, but honestly did nothing to cause him to do this and he is 54 years old. Have a Blessed Day, Anna and I thank God every day for somehow connecting me to your community. I say it may have saved my life. Love……………….Betsy Basile

  5. Recently I’ve felt overwhelmed, exhausted and wanting to hide away to rest. I’ve prayed for God to remove these burdens from my shoulders, yet they seem to stay with me. During focused prayer one day I realized I was feeling guilty of dumping my burdens on Him. He has so many of us to care for and I felt guilty adding to his burdens. During the prayer session He told me, “My child, I don’t carry those burdens and cares you give me. I destroy them!” Remembering these words has made a huge difference in my mindset. I hand over my burdens and God Almighty destroys them. I am FREE in His love.❤️

  6. Thank you for preaching to me and about me today !

    Yes, if I stop long enough, I will feel out of joint (no play intended on words since my physical challenge is Rheumatoid Arthritis).

    I tend to pray for Grace each day to accomplish what “I” think should be done. I want to do more than my body agrees with me to do without pain or the need for extra oxygen.

    I feel selfish after I allow myself to realize that there is not another Brenda. So, I can’t do what others do or be who others are today, I can
    just be Brenda. God has a purpose
    for who He Made Me To Be and I am
    equipped to be myself and no one else by God’s Grace.

    One day I might be able to encourage another person to just be
    themselves one day at a time with
    thanksgiving and patience.

    Thank You Lord for Your Grace and Mercy.



    • Bless you for your comment Brenda, you have encouraged me with your words.

  7. Thank you. I have been struggling with memories from past hurts. I am a pastor alongside my husband and all I have been fighting to wipe away recently are the awful times, hurts, etc we have experienced in this vineyard. Have there been great times? More than the bad times, but for some reason, Satan wanted to pull me down. I took the trash out this morning and on my way back to the front door, I said to God…”How am I going to get through the next season of being where we are. When all I can remember is the hurt and dark times.” Before I reached the door, the Scripture flooded my mind “Whatever is pure, whatever is noble, whatever is TRUE, focus on these things. Phil. 4:18.
    I had to chuckle. It was definitely the Holy Spirit answering my request. I had not read that Scripture in like over a year. And He brought it so clearly to my mind. That is what I am doing now. Getting through “Just Today” by focusing on whatever is pure, whatever is noble, whatever is TRUE… Just love it when Jesus answers.

  8. This was such a good reminder and devotional.
    I need to remember that He is with me through it all.

  9. For a smile amid the chaos, listen to Nat King’s Cole’s “Those Lazy-Hazy-Crazy Days of Summer.”

    Glad to know that time hasn’t changed a thing!

  10. Anna,

    My life can get a bit busy at times. There is always something to do between working 10+ hrs. daily (4 days), grocery shopping, errand running, cooking for the week, church, resting, reading emails & the list goes on. The one thing we all must remember is that the chores will always be there.. It is more important for us to spend time with God. Simply relaxing & allowing Him to soothe our troubled souls. Do some soul care for yourself each day. Then with the strength of God tackle the to do list

    Blessings 🙂