About the Author

ALIZA LATTA is a writer, artist, and pastor who is a huge fan of telling stories. She creates content for Canada’s largest youth conference, Change Conference, and is a church planter in Ontario, Canada. Her artwork and writing have been featured in publications for LifeWay, Dayspring, and (in)courage. She is...

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  1. I already know that. God don’t need you to shout and jump. He sees the heart, the soundless syllables just like Hannah right?

    It is all true, his strength is made perfect in weakness. No need for men’s approval, if God’s approve of you. It is enough. So that the conclusion of the matter will always be, for the glory of God.. because God wrote and finish it all. Not by your power, might or strength but by the Victor alone. When you have that, we can trust indeed that Victory is written by God. In the stillness there is a message. God is a God of order. He looks at the sparrow and the lilies alike, how much more his created human beings.

  2. To many a time we struggle and compete, as if it is by our own might that we earn successes. But, God’s power is made perfect in weakness. I already learn that.

  3. Aliza,

    I hope your leg is totally healed now. (My hubby tore a ham string.) Very Very painful.

    Sending you Summer Joy,

    Lisa Wilt

    PS – I shared x 2 so others could experience your message of letting go.

  4. Your words are comforting and true. Thank you! God is in the blessing and healing business. Pray that you have healed from your pain. Thanking God for His mercy and grace in my life and the life of others.

  5. Your words are consistently encouraging. I love reading your posts. I’m so sorry your leg was busted, but I’m so thankful for the myth God gently busted in the process. Such relief that comes through being able to lean on His strength when we are not strong. Humbling but comforting too.

  6. -Aliza,

    Truth is God doesn’t need anything or anyone to move. All we really need to do is plant seeds then let others & God do the reaping. These verses sum it all up. 2 Corinthians 12:9-11 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

    Blessings 🙂