About the Author

Holley Gerth is a Wall Street Journal bestselling author, counselor, and life coach. Her newest release is The Powerful Purpose of Introverts: Why the World Needs You to Be You. She's also wife to Mark, Mom to Lovelle, and Nana to Eula and Clem.

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  1. Holley,
    I just want to say you are an amazing writer and (in) courger! Thank you for your beautiful words today!
    Hugs, Laura

  2. Holley, thank you. I appreciate the line “feeling tired doesn’t mean you’re failing; it means you’re trying hard.” I often feel guilty because I get tired and think of all I should be doing. And, then I push myself and the outcome isn’t the best- I make mistakes and/or end up physically getting hurt. And because of that, I have been forced to take things slow while my knee heels. I pray it does not mean surgery because I am not sure I can be immobile for as long as it might take. I am trying to remember that Jesus rested. So, on this rainy summer day, I am going to ice my knee, have a cup of tea and read- and try not to look at the to do list.

  3. Holley,

    I shared your devotion x 2 because I think it will speak to so many women who are weary! It’s the ebb and flow of life!

    Sending you summer joy,

    Lisa Wilt

  4. I already knew it right! Hooray. One time you exerted all of your energy and now energy less. You battles over fights not yours to win over. It’s easier yielding than giving it a fight with no more energy that can be squeezed. Coz the battle belong to the Lord. Victory is already won. Don’t compromise. Live in integrity. Live simply. He will and had supplied all of the needs, the wants not included. But there are just this people who uses other to fight their battles. And it’s also a thought to ponder on when to fight and when not to.

  5. Holley…….This was absolutely a wonderful story in every word you have written.I am 77 years old and yes, I am in a season of a long walk like you told us about Jesus. Yet, 2 weeks ago progress on a very serious situation seemed to be making progress. I am so glad that you told all of us that being weary is not a sign that I am falling behind. Sometimes a do seem to forget that Jesus knows what it is like to be a human, but I only feel this way when I am so tired I think I can’t take another step. I know that He is a loving God and a faithful God, but you are much, much younger than I am and I have experienced so many changes in my season and I was a manager in C/S for a very large company. I was awarded for the job I did, but when I reached 70, I saw and felt like things were not so easy as they were when I was 40. At 40, I never thought about being the age that I am now. It’s funny how that happens when the children are grown, married and maybe even grandchildren. Empty nesters is what they called us. I was so upset when my son left for college. He had always been there with me and my Mother-in-law lived with us for 16 years. Not only 10 hour a day job, a big house to take care of, meals to cook. It was no problem when I was much younger, but at 70, I realized that Jesus felt it was time to slow down and maybe retire. I followed his path and did retire. Then I went through since I had been there 40 years I was leaving so many people down, but all the people that reported to me had a big party for me and made me feel loved and still wanted, but they knew I just could not do it anymore. My drive alone one way was 45 minutes. That alone exhausted me with all the nuts on the road, it was frightening. Anyway, Holley. I will read your story over and over and I thank you for sharing this with us. You women from the incourage community are Angels to us that struggle with serious problems and not necessarily physical. I have gotten something out of every word you wrote today. Love and prayers to you and may I send you a hug today? It is very lonely being alone without human beings being here. My husband has violent dementia and almost killed me, but that is a story for another day……………….Betsy Basile

  6. Holly,
    This is so perfect for my day. I need to read these ordained words from you and God this morning. Thank you! Glory to God.
    You are loved today in whatever you are going through too. Praying for you.

  7. Oh, how I needed these words today. For the last 6 days I have been between our home and our daughter’s home helping to take care of our 3 grandchildren ages 3,5 & 8 years old. Our daughter was away. Weekdays I helped out from 8:00am – 10:00pm and the weekend from 10:30am -10:00pm. I always wanted to make sure the children were all snuggled down and asleep before I left.

    Our daughter is back.

    I’m feeling tired today and I’m trying not to feel guilty of taking a day of rest for myself.

  8. This is so beautifully written and spoke so deeply to my weariness that it brought tears to my eyes. Life was so hard for 4 years and God finally has brought a season of rest. This was a reminder that being tired “isn’t here to stay”. Thank you

  9. I so needed to hear this today. Going through chemotherapy and have a long journey ahead. Truly, you poured a healing balm into my heart.

  10. Richly encouraging!! I have such regard for all of Holley’s writings and this one was perfectly timed. God is certainly so very good!

  11. I’ve been in a season of tiredness lately. I hope it would be gane by now. I had to quit college, I am 8 months pregnant with 2 other littles that get the little energy I can give, but everything else is a mess in my life… I feel so guilty for not being enough. My pregnancy was and still is a hard one phisically and mentally and I am just trying to survive. I will recall these words you wrote so beutifully today Holley. Hugs.

  12. Holley, Thank you so much for allowing God to use you into speaking directly to me..God Bless you & your family

  13. Holley, you are an amazing writer, what a gift God has given you. Thank you for being so relatable to many of the readers here! You are making a difference for others.
    God Bless!

  14. Holly,

    I needed this one more than words can say. Thank you for being honest, showing up, loving so well. My tired heart needs that rest.

  15. This Devotion really encouraged me today, my Amazing Granddaughter
    sent to me , today ♥️

  16. Holley,

    Lysa Terkeurst said in her book Your Best Yes “Saying yes to everyone and everything won’t make you wonder woman. It will make you a worn out woman with nothing left to give.” Genesis 2-3 By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done. Even God rested after doing all the creating. He made the day holy to rest from -?work. If God & Jesus needed to rest from all their work, then how much more do we need to rest?

    Blessings 🙂

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