About the Author

Kathi lives with Roger and a bunch of chickens in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California. There they host writer retreats, and Kathi writes about how to do life with God a little closer today than yesterday. She’s a best-selling author and absolutely loves her Clutter Free Community on Facebook.

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  1. Kathi,
    I believe your transparency and truth of your role in the past as compared to the present will be relatable to many of your readers. Partnership is the key to meeting family and marriage goals successfully, as you highlight and detail in a real world way. Kudos!

    • Kathleen – thank you for your words of encouragement. I pray that we can all experience the kind of partnership outlined in God’s word. What freedom!

  2. I feel so seen! I’m going to share this with my husband so we can have a better partnership going forward. Thanks for sharing

    • Dee – there is nothing you can say that makes my heart happier than “I feel so seen!” I pray that you and your hubby have a GREAT RICH conversation!

  3. Excellent wisdom Kathi. I had not heard of “the mental load,” but it sure exists for young moms. I’m so grateful my kiddos are grown now. Looking back, I don’t know how I managed it all. Full-time work as a pharmacist. Two kids. All the household responsibilities and all those that accompany raising kids, not to mention being very involved as a Sunday School teacher to teens for 20 years writing my own curriculum and completing four book manuscripts. Crazy to even write all that. It makes me tired.

    • Right? I used to look back on my journey as a mom with so much criticism, but now I just have compassion for that young woman who was trying to do it all and please everyone. I don’t know how you did it all either Lisa!

  4. Beautiful partnership! Thank you for sharing what is possible and has worked for the both of you. Blessings.

  5. Thank you for this timely reminder. It’s so easy to slip into resentment. I need to remember I often want the same things others want (ie dinner ready for hungry bellies) but when I forget *I* want it too and am not just meeting their expectations, AND I don’t ask for help, I definitely get grumpy and resentful. Next time I feel that way, I pray God will help me stop and think about what’s going on instead of just marinating in my negativity. (It’s not a great flavor. ) Thanks, Kathi.

    • It’s not a great flavor. I love that. Yes – we often all want the same thing. It’s how we as a family go about getting there – it makes all the difference in the world!

  6. I love this article! Like you I was married before and all the household chores fell on me. I had 3 children in that marriage. It ended because my husband was not my partner. I felt I was just his slave. While he played, I worked. My now husband is a true partner and I adore him. We share everything related to our home. It is such a blessing to have this incredible man in my life!❤️

  7. I enjoy reading your truthful, personal & intimate devotionals. In July, Jerry & I will be married for 50 years. We were young when we got married & learned so much together. We learned not to take each other for granted. We thank each other daily just naturally for simple things, i.e. for Jerry driving, me doing the laundry, making dinner then Jerry a lot of times will clean up or we do it together to name just a few things. We pray together every day which has really made our marriage strong. We have 3 grown children, 2 boys & one daughter. We’ve gone thru tough, really tough times as well which has made us even stronger & we both feel each other is our best friend. I’m happy you found a good man & enjoy life together!

  8. Thank you! I love finding out the true meaning of the word helper in Hebrew! Brings new perspective and insight!

  9. Kathi,

    Thank you for this Godly wisdom. It took me several years with tons of pleading for my husband to finally see the light. He now empties the dishwasher, does laundry some, brings in groceries, does a little cooking. I always thank him for his assistance to me. My list includes working 40+ hrs. week in 4 days, grocery shopping, most of cooking, dishes, & laundry. We have a well oiled machine here. The way God intended it to be.

    Blessings 🙂