About the Author

At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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(in)side DaySpring:
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  1. You will be missed in this space, Michelle! Go with God dear, sister! You will be a blessing wherever He leads. Blessings (((0)))

  2. Thank you Michelle for sharing your heart and your faith to inspire us. Thank you for reminding us of the Lord’s love,mercy and trustworthiness. Wishing you well and God Bless you.♥️

  3. It seems several of my favorite contributors are leaving (in)courage. May you next endeavor continue to bless others.

    • So many of our writers have heard the sacred whispers from the Lord to shift and focus on their families and ministries! We will miss their voices, too, but we send them off with so much love and support! We’ll keep bringing you devotions to encourage you each day!

      • So good to hear. Some of my favourite writers are moving on as God prompts them. May other writers fill in the gap with wisdom words.

  4. Not having the strength to get out of bed hit hard today. Just when I think I’ve escaped it another wave of grief sucks me back in! I long for better, brighter days. I trust they are coming… but when?!

    • Angela,
      Thank you for bravely sharing your struggle with us. While waking daily with a heavy burden for too long, I began saying and believing the following truths as soon as I awoke:
      1. “This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad.”
      2. I am a child of God.
      3. Something good is going to happen through me today, and something good is going to happen to me today.
      4. Surely God is in this place.

      It was like putting my armor on for the day. I continue to do this, although I’ve released my burden to God by understanding He’s at work and place my assurance and hope in His holy might.

      Blessings for a renewal of spirit,

  5. WOW! It’s like all of my favorites are leaving! :'( I open up ready for a great post to find it’s a goodbye, finale. I’ll miss your posts Michelle.

    • Aw! Amada! I’m gonna to say the same thing I shared with Maura in an earlier comment ——> So many of our writers have heard the sacred whispers from the Lord to shift and focus on their families and ministries! We will miss their voices, too, but we send them off with so much love and support! We’ll keep bringing you devotions to encourage you each day!

  6. Thank you Michelle. I wish your next chapter in life to be wonderful!
    Reading this, I think back to the Quote of the day” that was on my mom’s calendar. I found it as I was packing up her space, unknown to me that she would go to heaven the next day.
    ” Someday you will understand why things happened the way they did”.
    I know eventually God’s plan will be revealed. I struggle with being patient……..

  7. Dear Michelle, wishing you well in your new endeavors! Thank you for sharing your insights with us for awhile.

  8. “THANK YOU” Michelle for blessing us with your beautiful gift of words to encouraging and inspire us, especially during those difficult days in our lives. Cheering you on, Michelle, with our love and prayers as you Shine God’s light where he leads you to be…God Bless! SHINE BRIGHT…(Matthew 5:16)

  9. Michelle,

    Thank you for six years of writing & sharing your vulnerability. We will miss you here, I pray God is with you in your next adventure.

    When Covid hit our hospital had these sayings “You are braver than you believe Stronger than you seem Smarter than you think and Loved more than you know” “God’s got this” all over the hospital. It helped to know that we could handle all the stresses & people cared. I have found the same to be true of me when I endure any trials. It makes me stronger & more ready to trust God.

    Blessings 🙂