About the Author

Simi was born in India and moved to Dallas, TX at the age of 7. Simi is a speaker, author, and full-time physical therapist. Her calling is to the local church and her passion is to equip women to know who they are and live faithfully right where they are....

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    • I hear Him often as a deep impression on my heart, sometimes a verse that the Holy Spirit brings to mind or a thought/word He keeps showing me in prayer or worship.

  1. Simi, your words echo an insight God is currently impressing on me! So important to learn & know His voice over all the other clamor of voices competing for our attention. Give us discerning ears Lord! Blessings (((0)))

  2. I struggle with this. I try to listen to God’s voice but I never seem to hear it. I don’t know what I am listening for.

    • God’s word comes in diff words to diff people during prayer, worship or reflection. It will clarify, bring peace and always confirm His written Word.

  3. This is a new thought for me. If you are physically close to another person, they don’t need to speak loudly for you to hear them. If we draw close to God and rest in Him perhaps we will hear His loving whisper, like a child the arms of her father. I am listening for His still, small voice.

  4. To hear a whisper requires I be close to that person! Jesus
    said, “Come to me…”. Living in a ‘close to’ relationship with
    Him will result in hearing His whispers!

    • We have a God who doesn’t just on a throne in heaven far away, but one who as made His home inside our hearts! We are never alone, even when it feels like it- praise God!

  5. i love this! it’s exactly what i needed to hear. it’s a beautiful and timely reminder that quiet and intimacy are the best ways for me to hear.

  6. Oh my goodness Simi \0/ “God may not be yelling; He could be whispering”… “the silence of God is actually His still small voice, an intimate whisper “.

    Thank you for such a beautiful reminder.

  7. Yesterday I went to the dentist to have temporary crowns removed and permanent ones put on. I am so phobicly afraid of the dentist that I had to take Halcion just to get there. To say it didn’t go well is a massive understatement. First the assistant says, “I’m just going to pop these temp off before the doctor comes.” So she grabs a fancy pair of pliers and starts pulling, then yanking on the first tooth. Finally she says, ” Well! looks like this one is going to be stubborn. Let’s just get this other one. Same results. By now I am whimpering and almost pulling the arms off the chair. Doctor comes in and tried to pull them off – no luck – so she starts grinding. I am crying and almost coming out of the chair. “Both of these have had root canals. This shouldn’t be a problem but I want you to be comfortable so let’s get you numb.” After numbing and lots of grinding, she’s ready to put the perms on — she’s not happy with color and then the first one DOESN’T FIT!!!! So new molds, new temps, and I have to go back and DO IT AGAIN in a few days. I am so terrorized I can’t bear the thoughts. And no my dentist DOESN’T do sedation. Why Lord, why???!!

  8. Simi, thank you for reminding us to be still & trust that we will hear His voice. I felt the warm embrace of Jesus surrounding me earlier today as I meditated on this verse: “With every sun’s rising, surprise us with Your love, satisfy us with Your kindness. Then we will sing with joy and celebrate every day we are alive.” Psalm 90: 14. The Voice.

    I am learning to expect to hear from Jesus as I quiet my own heart & trust that He will satisfy every need. Everyone’s sunrise may be different due to where they live & how God is using our lives. No matter what adversity may come our way, we truly can trust Him to keep our feet from slipping. May His lovingkindness nourish & quench your soul as you minister to so many.

  9. I’m temporarily doing a version of the job I left almost a year ago. I’m tired and frustrated. Just as I sat down to read this post, it came to me. God saying why I left this job behind a year ago….and I really shouldn’t go back even if I miss the people.

    • Kim- friend, gosh I resonate with your story. I left my job last yr bc of the higher leadership but missed my coworkers. One day I visited and I felt the Holy Spirit say, “don’t go back!” And I came home and threw out all my uniforms,bc I knew I would be tempted to go back to the familiar and I was worth far too much to be there anymore!

      I am so glad He spoke to you today!

  10. Thank you for the beautiful story of the elderly couple. To see love like that these days seems so rare and I feel it’s one of the many ways God shows me his amazing glory!

  11. Thank you for this. I feel so alone in this season. I need to still my mind and thoughts so that I can hear God’s whisper.

  12. This is so beautiful. I especially love the encouragement that God’s silence may be his whisper inviting us into deeper intimacy. Thank you!

  13. Simi,

    Fall of 2022 I was going through a dark time. Prayer was inconsistent. God didn’t seem to be answering my prayers. Oh but he was. I wanted one answer & He had bigger & better plans for me. My hope was to leave the company & go work somewhere else not doing the same work. Jesus was gently telling me to be patient. Instead of leaving the company He allowed another unit (hospital) to be opened & I got to be the clerical. No longer would I be doing my old job, but now get to use my sills & abilities. Like you said we have to silence the noise in our brains to hear His whispers.

    Blessings 🙂