About the Author

Tasha is a Korean American melancholy dreamer, wife to Matt, mom to three wild and wonderful humans. She writes about everyday life and cultural and ethnic identity, and writing has always been the way God has led her towards the hope of shalom. Her first book, Tell Me The Dream...

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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
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  1. I love your point that even God declared Jesus loved before Jesus began His ministry on earth. I’ve had my “usefulness” interrupted more than once with health issues & aging itself slows what I used to could do. But God’s love has never waned & He promises it never will! Thank you for sharing your story. Blessings (((0)))

  2. A message this morning to ponder for perspective. Our value in the eyes of God is not based on our usefulness…..we are loved regardless of our spiritual gifts and how we utilize them. We use them to model Christ’s love…..not for recognition of our good works.

  3. Thank you Tasha. I can relate so well. Thomas the Tank was my son’s favorite toy. He’s now grown and I have kept all the trains and wooden tracks for my sweet grandson, Elijah, who is now 1.

    More than relating on this physical level, I can relate on a spiritual level. Because I am wired to “do,” I “do.” I love to serve but…my value doesn’t come from serving.

    I am loved. Just. Because. I am His!

  4. I hope everyone at (in)courage knows how much I value and appreciate this daily devotion. You can ask my Women’s group and they will tell you that I am the official (unofficial) spokesperson for (in)courage. These messages are so relatable. I share them so often with others that I know will be encouraged by them. We have used the Empowered devotional in our Women’s Breakfasts for over a year and now, and we are about to switch to the new 100 days of strength starting in March. God is using this platform to help so many women. I could not let another day go by without letting you all know the impact you have made.


    • Christine, thank you for sharing that, and for sharing the words here with your own community. We are so glad you are part of our community.

  5. Absolutely beautiful. Thank you Tasha for reminding us we are wonderfully made and loved just as we are xoxox
    Have a wonderful blessed Wednesday sisters \0/

  6. Thank you so much for this article! I am going to send it to my elderly mom, who is really struggling with feeling of no value, especially as her eyesight worsens. Please keep her in your prayers.

  7. I think I have made things way too complicated for myself. God is Love. He will never change. I must allow Him to Love me. Then I will learn to love others.

    God Looks at the motivation of our hearts. He does not look at our cars, houses, clothes, jewelry, investment port folios, or our retirement plans. We are His Image Bearers. It does not matter about stocks and bonds but it matters about Salvation, Forgiveness and Love.

    Thank You Lord for Your Grace And Mercy.



  8. As I have mentioned in previous comments, I am in a long dark valley right now and I’m really struggling with guilt over not “doing” or being “useful”. Love had requirements in my household growing up. I’m in my 50’s and I am still really struggling with accepting God’s love for me just as I am, where I sit here in my pit of despair. This line, at the end of your article, will be an ongoing blessed reminder for me:
    “You do not have to be useful; only loved.”

  9. Dear Tasha
    God bless you for this article. So true!! Love it.
    Also Love Incourage stories which are so from the hearts. It’s amazing how as women our life stories resonate with other women, across oceans..all the way in South East Asia, such as myself. Truths about our Jesus, our Lord are truths..
    I have just from mid2023 retired 1.5yr earlier than anticipated. the questions from everyone has been the same, albeit In different words, various tones of wonder.
    Ie “From a highly-held titled position in a big multi company making top decision, constantly on the move, wheeling & dealing, don’t you feel “less-than-useful” “less relevant” “not worthy anymore”??”
    I get quizzical looks when I reply kindly “my identity has always been I am the beloved daughter of God, first and last. I am content.”

    And yes, only those grounded by the grace of God in Christ, smiles and nods.
    God bless us all in our journey of faith.

  10. Tasha,

    I know deep down there is nothing to prove. Yet there are times I want to prove myself. Prove I can do this or that. God gave me a full-time position. The duties were not in line with my skills. I often felt useless & like I had wasted my life. Fast forward to 202 & Jesus gave me a different position within the same unit (ICU). It uses more of my clerical skills. Now I feel so useful & helpful. My attitude has changed. Sounds silly I know. God loves me no matter what I’m doing. Just do it with all my heart & soul as a worship to God.

    Blessings 🙂