About the Author

ALIZA LATTA is a writer, artist, and pastor who is a huge fan of telling stories. She creates content for Canada’s largest youth conference, Change Conference, and is a church planter in Ontario, Canada. Her artwork and writing have been featured in publications for LifeWay, Dayspring, and (in)courage. She is...

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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    • i love that the intimacy part stood out to you and that’s what you commented on. a friend of mine says “in-to-me-see” as well and i’m realizing that i’ve been scared of it for some time. i have a post on my bathroom mirror that says “intimacy is allowing yourself to be fully know, fully loved, fully accepted. it’s letting your guard down completely.” thank you aliza and lisa for the reminder to open up and be known, loved, accepted, and seen.

  1. Aliza, you make me want to move to Canada, just so I can have you for a pastor! 🙂

    I think this was meant for me. I’ve gotten more and more isolated, afraid of being hurt, and afraid of being left. I’ve been trying to engage more with others, but I always seem to say or do the wrong thing and then, feeling like an idiot, I withdraw again. Thank you for the nudge to keep trying.

  2. “It hurts to be close to someone when they feel pain. It can hurt to love. … But getting close to someone? That’s the life we’re meant for. ” Thank you for this very timely reminder. Keeping it close today.

  3. God is really using this weeks devotions to reach me! Last night I was praying about a situation, I guess you could say where loving someone has caused deep hurt. Praying about it didn’t bring me peace. Instead it made me anxious about how and when it’s going to be resolved. I had a hard time sleeping last night. I’m feeling the repercussions this morning. As I made my way to work I thought, I’m not going to pray about that anymore! Not if it’s going to make me feel so anxious. God knows what’s in my heart. I don’t need to say it out loud, right? Then I was reminded, “He is not exhausted to hear you tell Him the same story again and again, or bring the same desire of your heart to Him for the hundredth time today.” Thank you.

  4. Thank you so much for sharing this. I lost a close friend that I worshipped with for over twenty years this Christmas. We have celebrated her life and grieved with her precious family and it is just so hard and so wonderful at the same time. I loved how you compared our loss to Christ’s life. It blessed me so much.

  5. Aliza,

    Loving people & pets hurts. We as Christians know that you aren’t getting out of this world alive. We had to have my cat put down as it was ill. Later on both of my iguanas died from old age. Just recently my neighbor’s dog we adopted went off into the woods died. I miss them all. We can pray for healing but God does it His way. At work, (ICU clerical), recently was talking with patient’s brother & praying for them. Unfortunately God chose to heal her by taking her home. It still hurts some. Now the brother has to tell her son who just had a stroke.

    One thing I note is that while all of those people were alive I cared for & showed them God’s love the best I could. Even though it hurts to lose friends, pets & loved ones I will still get close & shower them with His love.

    Blessings 🙂