About the Author

Simi was born in India and moved to Dallas, TX at the age of 7. Simi is a speaker, author, and full-time physical therapist. Her calling is to the local church and her passion is to equip women to know who they are and live faithfully right where they are....

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  1. Both the Oceans and the Dead Sea are Salty, but one is teeming with life and one is dead. The Dead Sea has no outlet so it only takes in. As Christians we need to pour out Love and Give so then as we receive from Jesus’ Living Water we are teeming with life as the oceans not becoming toxic as the Dead Sea.

  2. Excellent teaching and well spoken about salt in your life. Even the way you Simi put it into your life as follower of Jesus. We all need more of Jesus in our lives that is more salt. What that the word is. We don’t want to over salt our lives with the word of God trying to cram to much in that we don’t understand stand it. Or especially with someone that is not saved life.Then we could put that person that is not saved of wanting to hear or have anything to do with the word of God. We need to flavour them gently with a gentle bit of more salt of the word of God and not over salt them with it. We don’t want to over power them that they don’t want more flavour and we then put them of. That they don’t want to hear about Jesus from us like a good cooking dish we rouin it. We rouin them. We don’t want to do that with them either. So all we need is to be a tiny bit of salt in our lives that we flavour people in a nice gentle manner with the word of God we’re we go. By the way we live our lives. Especially with the unsaved. So as they will see Jesus in us. Then hopefully want Jesus for themselves. I say Amen to that.

  3. I love this Daily Devotional because it confirms that I am on track in my life-time journey with the Lord, the Word, God & the Holy Ghost. Thank you so much for providing focus, not in this temporary world, but how to keep my mind, body and soul on eternity.

  4. Simi,

    This world definitely needs more salt. It has become so divisive, uncaring, & unloving. It only takes a smidge of salt to change the “taste” or atmosphere of a room or person. I am trying daily to add salt to each place I go. Volunteering at Loaves & Fishes gives me the chance to pray for others, provide food & listen to their problems. Working in ICU I make an effort to be empathetic to the patients’ families. I bring meals into their rooms & help with call lights. For one patient, who has dementia, I would go into room & converse with her, hold her hand & just be a comfort to her. Everyone deserves a little love & attention just as Jesus would give.

    Blessings 🙂

  5. This is a beautiful message. But if someone ever puts too much salt in a dish, especially if there is liquid in the dish, just add chunks of a raw, white potato for a few minutes, then take the chunks out. Potatoes draw salt out of liquids! (Just remove the potatoes before they soften too much and release the salt.) … And always remember how Jesus sought solitude during His walk with us. There is such a thing as self preservation in our daily walk. We always need time that’s restorative, so that we don’t get so worn out and trampled under that we can’t witness any longer. … Also, in keeping with your theme of being only a little salty, remember how the love of Jesus tends toward long life in earth (Psalm 1:3). Jesus serves as fresh water, which has even less salt than we have bodily.