About the Author

Mary is a writer and speaker who lives for good books, spicy queso, and television marathons – but lives because of God’s grace. She writes about giving up on perfect and finding truth in unexpected places at MaryCarver.com. Mary and her husband live in Kansas City with their two daughters.

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  1. I have been looking forward to today with such anticipation. This is the first day in ages that I have no commitments and it is not raining! I am physically and mentally exhausted. I say no to requests but when a friend needs a ride to a hospital 2.5 hours away, I need to do it. Retired, really? After a quick mowing task, I plan to go on a long walk and maybe take myself to lunch- alone! Like Jesus, I need some quiet alone time to refuel before going to the supermarket which I have put off for a week. Now to figure what God is encouraging me to let go. That is the hard part. But the weeks ahead look a lot less stressful with a lot less demands on my time. The thing is, I enjoy what I do at the time. If only the laundry would take care of it self and the dust bunnies would go find another place to settle…..

  2. Dear Lord make me/us discerning in what is not important to recognize & focus on what is important! You order our steps, yes to bring You glory, but also to not add stress to our lives! Such encouraging insights Mary! Blessings ! (((0)))

  3. Oh my goodness, what an on-time message this morning. I’m so glad to read this wonderful relief message for my own sanity. I just did my first online class at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia and I had a kind professor. My grade was achieved by the help of the Holy Spirit. The grade of “A” is a wonderful blessing.

    I found out that I have pride about my grades. That’s why I didn’t want to take the Bible Course, I didn’t want to be ashamed of not doing well. I grew up being expected to make “A’s” all the time. It’s a burden to try and live up to being “perfect “ in school.

    We allow the enemy to trick us that people are watching for us to fail or not live up to a certain standard. The only standard that we should aspire to live up to is Jesus Christ.

    Oh what lessons we have to learn about our Christian Journey. Only what we do for Christ will last.

    Thank You Lord for Grace and Mercy.

    With Gratitude,

    Your Sister in Christ

  4. In a time when peoples actions tell me their love is conditional on whether or not I’m perfect; your reminder this morning that God loves me unconditionally even though I’m not perfect is a salve to my soul! <3 Thank you!

  5. Thanks, Mary! I am retired, but still have trouble fitting important stuff into my day. I needed this encouragement!

  6. Thank you for an apt message. I am retired and usually unable to read these wonderful messages. I feel blessed just knowing I am forgiven for all the chores falling through the cracks when I prioritize my spiritual wellbeing.

  7. I came across this email while searching for jobs among they many many in my in box . Timing is everything (GOD’S) . I was doing exactly what you were expressing in this message . Is this the job for me , what if they reply do I want this job ? So thank you for the words and for God’s wonderful timing . Helping me to be still and trust. All the best with you new job at the library !! The due date always comes so quickly !

  8. Dear Mary,

    you- or god- spoke right into my heart. I was running this morning and I hardly tried to find words to God, to explain myself to him, to apologize, but actually I don‘t have words for the last three years. I miss Him so much, but life, and everything that had happened the last 4 years was so much exhausting for certain reasons.
    I‘m longing for God but feel guilty and ashamed.
    Thank you for your words, your thoughts, your life experience you are sharing with others.

    • Marion, I’m so grateful God spoke to you through these words. Praying you can feel His presence, love, and unconditional acceptance today.

  9. Mary,

    We put so much on our plate that we think has to be done. After doing it all we are exhausted. We need to sit down & plan out some spiritual white space on our calendars. Times when we don’t do anything. We simply rest in Jesus. It doesn’t have to be a huge amount of time. Lysa Terkeurst said it best in her book Your Best Yes “Saying yes to everyone & everything won’t make you wonder woman. It will make you a worn out woman with nothing left to give.” Prioritize your life & see what really needs to be done & what can be delegated.

    Blessings 🙂