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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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  1. Loved this article, especially the part about pruning being used for good. I’m printing this out so I can enjoy it over and over. I keep telling myself that I’m going to do more gardening and your wonderful and entertaining words have encouraged me to do just that. Thank you for sharing your heart and experiences.

  2. I loved this Jami! What a clever way to look at things, and very timely for me, thank you!

  3. Jami, I loved this! I do some gardening, too. And every summer there are successes and failures. This summer I tried growing sunflowers. And they are huge and abundant and about to bloom! I started the seeds in a big pot with a tomato cage. Now the plants are in the same pot, but buried in a corner if the garden.

  4. I had smile as I listened this morning. My husband loves to garden. And I’m the gal that hates to sweat. I live close by in Blue Springs and have one dear friend who loves to try new coffee shops. I keep thinking we need to head your way. You’re speaking at a conference in Leawood February 2024 that I’ll be presenting at workshop!

  5. I have had problems with plants dying after I’ve done what’s needed to do for them. I realized that plant food that is put in water helps them grow better. It’s like me going to bible study and reading “Discerning the Voice of God” that has touched my heart to remember to stay connected to God throughout the day. Praying, reading the Bible and listening to positive Christian music . I share scripture verse on my blog post as well.
    I appreciate your post in regards to the plants you have and how God keeps us growing through life and cares that we are hid children. God bless you!

  6. I particularly appreciated the parable of the mustard seed. I found myself imagining… how such a tiny seed could become one of the largest trees in the garden… Isn’t that just like God to do/use the unexpected?

  7. Love this so, SO much!!! I’m not a gardener but I try sometimes and once in awhile my plants survive me. It’s amazing the lessons God infuses into His creation! Thank you for sharing these. FAR from boring, I hope you write another post with garden lessons continued. The part that hit me hardest that I’ve never in my life thought about before was the lesson from the carrots. “Ask God if there’s a dream that needs more space in your life and see what He shows you.” Bless you, Jami.

  8. Jamie,

    God has unique ways of teaching us lessons we need. He cares for us deeply not just our productivity but our well-being. He nudges us to rest/just be still. He is abundant in His love for us. Nature tells a great story of God’s continual care for us. How He prunes things & they grow even taller. He uses the pruning to teach us lessons. Nothing in God’s kingdom is wasted. Great post!

    Blessings 🙂