About the Author

Melissa Zaldivar is a social in the world of academics and an academic in the world of socials. She's an author and podcast host with a BA in Communications and an MA in Theology. She loves a good sandwich, obscure history, and wandering around New England antique shops.

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  1. Love this! What would the world be if believers all worked in a christian bubble? I’m in an opposite place now, I was offered a job in a church about 6 years ago and told the Lord I didn’t want to work with a bunch of christians (sounds funny now, but I was serious lol) but, obviously, He knows what He’s doing. We embrace where He has us and it’s ALL good.


  2. Melissa, This article was spot on. So many Christians isolate themselves by staying in a bubble. Just think if Jesus had done that same thing we would all be lost. Also I love your photo! It always makes me smile

  3. A small group of ladies and I are doing the Amos study by Jennifer Rothschild. Week one had a great reminder that God will use us right where we are to speak for him. I think your roll outside the church might be even greater than inside the church. After all, the church is not a building, we are the hands and feet of Jesus. Keep looking for opportunities to be the hands, feet and light of Jesus right where you are!

  4. You are where you are for a reason that is my philosophy. What a great insightful article. Thank you.

  5. Amen to that! We have, like a lot of other churches, dwindling numbers on Sunday. BUT… we have an amazing number of people who attend our Tuesday free lunches, sit and chat with neighbors both near and far, come by to pick up some supplies from our “little corner pantry”, or await delivery of lunch if they are home bound. This is church- this is what Jesus teaches us. The folks who come aren’t church members, some do not live in our tiny town and some are just driving though and see the sign for lunch. However, try as we do to explain that this is worship, some members can only focus on the number they see on Sunday. Sad for them but I and those of us who serve on Tuesdays are so inspired and filled with joy. And while I see the validity of the argument that the pews are empty on Sunday and it is sad, sharing meals on Tuesdays is breaking bread for me.

  6. I love this! I work in a medical clinic. Where I manage a Blood pressure program. I talk with (for the most part) elderly patients. Some are lonely, ill, depressed or afraid of dying, so I often ask if they have a Church? Or if I can say a prayer with or for them. I may try to lift their spirits in some small way. If I sense an overwhelming loneliness I ask them to come in the office & tell them I’d like to check out their machine to ensure it’s working accurately. We are God’s hands and feet. We need to reach out through our works. I love what you are doing through Construction. Building up God’s people. PTL

  7. I’m a Bible college graduate and have worked in Christian “ministry” most of my life. However, when I was a young adult working in a public school, I soon came to realize my own definition of ministry: Ministry is a life lived for God regardless of where the pay check comes from (as long as it is legal). I share that definition often with people.

  8. Sweet Melissa….BTW it’s a 70’s song!
    You my friend are Jesus with skin on!
    My husband and I have always chosen to be the hands and feet of Jesus especially growing up in New England!
    ‘As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways and thoughts higher than your ways and thoughts.’
    Melissa, you’re exactly where you’re needed!!
    Yeah you!!! Cheering you on from a New England girl. Dee

  9. AMEN.
    I too believe that as a believer, I should serve the LORD wherever HE calls me to. We should not put the LORD and our faith into a box, namely the church. The harvest is plentiful outside of church. We, the followers of CHRIST, should be amongst them. May our lifestyle and value system reflect our faith and point them to the LORD, so that HE will be glorified.

  10. Melissa,

    “Away from church pews, the need for Jesus is just as strong.” I love this quote. I’d say the need is even stronger outside of church. Thank you for sharing this. I’m a believer who is in state government, and I see my own workplace as a mission field and where I can shine Jesus’s light.

  11. Melissa,

    Our world is in desperate need of Jesus. Many will never know of Him unless we, the church, get outside of our bubble & go be amongst them. For me that looks like volunteering at Loaves & Fishes Food Bank. Each Friday I give them a few hours to help put meals together & hand out meals or work in back with the food boxes. Also try to be a good example at work (hospital ICU as clerical). I cheer on patients when they get better. Hand out tissues when bad news is given. Also encourage my co workers & E cleaning crew). It is my way of spreading God’s light in this dark world.

    Blessings 🙂