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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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  1. WOW! This made me cry! <3 Please keep my mama (Linda) and me (AmaTHa) in your prayers still.

  2. Hi Jami, funny how things get put into perspective.
    Wow, who cares about surfing n sitting on a beautiful beach when your heart only wants your little boy.
    A good reminder to all of us i.e. myself who forgets to praise Jesus when I’m annoyed annoyed.
    Blessings to you and your family

  3. Jamie,

    Great analogy! After years of reading & studying I see the prodigal story in a different light. The story is of God & us. We leave Him & His love for the world. Then when we wake up & realize we are lost we run back to Him. He has been waiting there patiently for us. He will run to us & throw a huge party on our behalf. Interesting side note is that men in Jerusalem days didn’t run. This is great news for ALL of us. We/I mess up daily yet God still forgives. He will leave the 99 & come get us.

    Blessings 🙂

  4. Jami God never blamed you. If you did sin. You can go God in true repentance. Ask him to forgive you for that sin and God will. We all from time to that are saved sin mess up as followers of Jesus. But we can go to God in true repentance and ask him to forgive us and help us never to do it again. You might have felt all that went wrong in your Holiday in Mexico was punishment from God for a sin you done. Never think that. That was the old Devil who had put that there for you to believe that. I had the old Devil do that in my life at times when I taken on well. Taken seizures out of no where. My Husband who is saved has told me Dawn don’t let that thought come into your head. You done nothing wrong to be a person who takes Seizures. That the old Devil putting that into your mind. To make you think that. I got now I trust God for every day I wake up to keep me safe. If I do take a seizure he will see me through it. I will be ok after it. God told me this Dawn remember I with you always I will never leave you not forsake you. God gave this Scripture. Joshua 1 v 9 it says ” Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you Wherever you go” that verse is so true. God is with me and us all where ever we go for us not to be afraid. I say Amen to that. Like the Father welcomed the prodigal son back with love. Our Heavenly Father does the same. Love today’s reading. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little in my prayers all incourage xx

  5. Our sermon today was “God is the Hounddog of Heaven” He will come hounding -seeking for you every time.