About the Author

Becky is an author, speaker, Bible teacher, mom of three loud boys, and the Community and Editorial Manager for (in)courage. She loves writing about anxiety, motherhood, and the kindness of God. Long naps, shady trails, and a good book make her really happy.

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  1. This is a much needed reminder that we aren’t expected to do anything to receive God’s gifts. May we all just hold Him close and enjoy His presence every moment.

  2. A timely reminder Becky, it took decades to except my Salvation as a gift, one that is secure within and unable to be stolen away. Now at 54 I’m beginning to enjoy Gods good gift of fully being Saved and at the same time there arises the post-menopause thought of ‘cant do’ – Gods way of grace is more evident to me in my ‘cant do’s’ when already ‘He has done’. Bless you Becky!

    • Yes, Susan, God’s grace is most evident in our moments of need rather than our self sufficiency. So grateful He is patient and compassionate even when I’m slow to learn.

  3. Becky,

    I’ve been in church my whole life. It took me 40 years to grasp the meaning of baptism. A loving country preacher, who just retired after 33 1/3 years at church, kept reciting Acts 2:38 & other scriptures. So much that it finally sunk in on a Wednesday Bible study. Since that time I have grown in my faith. I do not take the gifts of Jesus lightly. They are a treasure that I would give anything for. The greatest part of it all is I don’t have to do a thing to earn these wonderful lavish gifts. He freely gives them to us. Enjoying the gifts of God!!

    Blessings 🙂