About the Author

Kristen Strong, author of Back Roads to Belonging and Girl Meets Change, writes as a friend offering meaningful encouragement for each season of life so you can see it with hope instead of worry. She and her US Air Force veteran husband, David, have three children and live in Colorado...

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  1. Such wise and much needed words for me today. I seem to need to be reminded of this quite often! So thank you.

  2. Thank you, Kristen, this is a great encouragement to me, as I tend to get anxious at the threat of storms, real or otherwise. The analogy of tornado watches is very helpful. Thank you.

  3. Oh how I needed this today! My Mama and I are going through a storm right now with my abusive dad and his health care. If I could please ask for some prayers; that would be GREAT? We need the help only Jesus can give!

    All Glory to God!

    • Praying this very moment, dear Amy, that our faithful God gives you and your mama a way through the waves, and that you feel your Savior’s presence throughout. Sending much love with those prayers. xo

  4. My daddy was a meteorologist & he loved to point out the awesomeness of our God thru weather examples. I now hear his voice in mine as I speak truth into our Lab mix who is terrified of fireworks & thunderstorms. I can only imagine how crazy he would be in a tornado ;~}! The spiritual lessons we can learn through the physical world is astounding! God is in it all! Thank You, God! Thank you, Kristen for your beautiful testimony to our Lord! Blessings!

  5. I am now in the longest season of depression and anxiety in my life….. it’s going on 14 months and it seems like forever and feels like it will never end. I look to the Lord to bring me through as He always has before. I’m wondering when it will end and pray that it will be soon that I may live again. I lean on the Lord and His promises. I am just so tired. Please pray for me! God bless you all!!!

    • Praying wholeheartedly, dear Donna. I’m so sorry for this extended, difficult season. May our faithful God show you a way through the storm’s waves as assuredly as He showed the Israelites a way through the Red Sea waves. Sending you so much love with those prayers. xo

  6. Thank you Kirsten for sharing your heart. It spoke to me and reminded me God is with us in thoes storms. He will see us through them no matter what we go through. I know storms are not nice to go through but they can teach you patience. As some people can as I know myself and have been there lately. Push you to braking point. That the person who causing this making you want to run away from the storm. Say I don’t need this or you to treat me this way. Especially if being nice and only trying to help them. You what you are saying to them you are saying nicely in love. But they think they are always right and no best. But you know they are not. It is like a volcano in you that is about to erupt. But you here Jesus say don’t let the volcano erupt and explode. As you will end saying something you later on regret. You come of the one hurt. The person you are saying the things to help them. Is one of those people in your life that thinks they know everything especially if older than you. They are always right. But sometimes they are not. You hear Jesus say put a lid on it don’t let that volcano explode. As you will be the one that will come out worse. Calm down say nothing. You feel Jesus is teaching you patience in this storm. Just to pray for the person. Remember especially if not saved. Like the person that is causing the storm in my life and the this person my life is not saved. Jesus has said to me Dawn. They not change until they get saved. Keep praying for them. Don’t let them get to you. Take a deep breath and know I see what it’s causing you. Just say nothing. Let them think they are right. Just pray for them. I have done that. As if not listened to Jesus I probably would have said something I should not have. I be the one regretting it. Then saying sorry. I have to remember as Jesus showed me. They will not change until they get saved as they will always think they are right about everything. When at time not. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx

  7. Growing up in eastern Nebraska, we had our share of Tornado Watches, & a few Warnings to. The one Tornado that went thru our neighborhood, was a life defining moment for me as a High Schooler. What I remember the most, was how long the cleanup afterward took. Spending the day picking up debrie all day, & it look like it did at the start of the day. But slowly, all our efforts finally cleared things up.

    That summer’s worked, prepared me to persevere through life’s Storms, holding God’s hand, even when it appears nothing’s changed (days/weeks/months/years later).

    • Kristen, this message is so true. @ELMore, what struck me is when you said how having experienced a tornado, how long the clean-up took afterward. I look back over the years and recall a couple of tornadoes of my heart and soul, and that “clean-up” has taken much longer than I ever thought it would. But God, who is so good and so compassionate, has been right there with me through it all, and I know now that when the tornadoes of life hit, I have to be patient with myself in the clean-up season to allow for His healing in the deep places of my heart.

    • This is such a good visual and reminder for us all. I’m so sorry you had to endure such a terrible storm, and I thank you so much for sharing this helpful word here. xo

  8. What a great analogy. You were able to put into words so beautifully and clearly how to try and handle the storms of life. I believe many needed this today and benefited from it, as I did.
    God Bless you

  9. Kristen,

    I lived in the lightning capital of the U.S.A.-Tampa FL for twenty years. From about mid March to end of September we would get a thunderstorm every day about 3 pm. You would get used to it so to speak. Needless to say I don’t freak out over them. When Covid hit in 2020 my hubby & I both hospital workers didn’t fret over it. We just got vaccinated & trusted in God’s deliverance. God had already gotten me through some life-changing storms in the past. Those storms grew my faith & trust muscles. Now not much ruffles my feathers.

    Blessings 🙂

  10. 1 loved reading the wisdom of going thru the storm as it speaks to all of us right now. We are being prepared for the kingdom.
    Come Lord Jesus.