About the Author

Rachel Marie Kang is the author of Let There Be Art and The Matter of Little Losses. A writer of poems, prose, and other pieces, she is founder of The Fallow House and the Social Media & Guest Post Manager for (in)courage. Connect with her at rachelmariekang.com.

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  1. How beautiful thank you! I so needed this. So often we are discouraged from dreaming and that is very sad. You have a beautiful way with words. I am going to “dream my heart out” today!! Sharon

  2. Thanks for this beautiful reminder that it’s ok and good to dream. God bless!

  3. This spoke to my heart. Thank you for the wisdom and encouragement of your words. As a widow my dreams have changed, like they do in any stage of life. It has been a gift to continue to dream, to have those dreams continue to draw me to God.

    • My heart to yours. Sometimes dreams die and change. We grieve them and give them up. Yet, as we turn to our loving Father…he breathes life into new dreams and desires, reminding us there is still goodness to be lived out in this life. May it be so for you, Lisa.

  4. Wow, when you ask God a question be prepared for an answer! The other day I asked God what the point of having an imagination was. Then the very next day I read in Ann Voskamp’s WayMaker that “The way not to lose hope is not to lose a holy imagination in the ways of God.” And here I read, “I didn’t know I was exercising hope. I was practicing my ability to think beyond what I could see, to believe in something better.
    …we forget that imagination is the foundation to our faith.” A friend asked me yesterday how she could pray for me and I answered honestly that I needed help to have/keep an eternal perspective. Then I read, “Might it be that these visions help you see your life and our world with an eternal perspective?” Bless you, Rachel, for sharing life-giving words I needed to hear. It means a lot.

    • Pearl, goodness your name is beautiful. Grace to you, as you turn your eyes to see with eternal perspective. May you dream, imagine, and pray with a faith that goes beyond all you’ve ever seen and known. So glad you’re finding breadcrumbs that lead to Him : )

  5. “May your dreaming be like breathing, and may you always remember that your breath is the very exhale of your praise and prayers to our very present and powerful God.” Amen. Just beautiful, friend. Thank you. I’m already breathing easier, ready to let my dreams wander, linger, and grow.

  6. I wonder, if we read the book of Psalms through the filter of hope, what dreams might we find? I think we’d be surprised how many there are. By putting our imaginations to work and fleshing out these dreams, we’re sure to increase our faith and encourage our spirits. Thank you for your inspiring post, Rachel!

    • Love your thoughts here, Nancy. So many earnest desires and dreams to be found in the book of Psalms. Honest pourings of people reaching out for a truth and a hope believed but not yet seen. We live by faith. So thankful for your thoughts here : )

  7. Rachel,

    Children play make believe & dream big wild dreams. Somewhere between childhood & adulthood we stop dreaming. Life happens & we get stuck in the mundane routine of living. We need to go back to dreaming. Let’s put our imaginations to work & see what God can do with them.

    Blessings 🙂

    • My children teach me and bring me back every day. And I hope that never changes…and that I always heed the call. Love your thoughts here, Beth. And wishing the same for you. Keep dreaming!