About the Author

Barb Roose is a speaker and author who is passionate about teaching women to live beautifully strong and courageous so that they experience God’s great adventure of faith and purpose for their lives. She’s the proud empty-nest mom of three and whenever possible, Barb prefers to eat dessert first.

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  1. Thank you so much for the reminder that we need to focus on the holiness and the “bigness” of God, and then we will look at our requests with the proper perspective..Thank you for the chance to win this study, it sounds wonderful!

  2. I think many people can relate to this, it’s so easy to get caught up in our problems and instead of thanking God for what he has done and praising him first when we pray, we go directly to our problems and what we need him to do. This book sounds like a fantastic book about prayer.

    • Carrie, you’re right! It’s so easy to get caught up in our problems and forget that God is bigger than whatever we’re facing. Thank you for sharing your comment and I hope you check out my new Matthew Bible study!

  3. A much needed word for another refining season of my life. God will be done with my foster children that were exploited. American laws don’t align with Kingdom laws. Lord let your will be done

    • Stacy, thank you for joining us today. I’m so sorry for the ache you have for your foster children. We pray God’s healing and protection over their lives.

  4. I look forward to this opportunity to delve much deeper into Matthew, who has been speaking to my spirit through his gospel.

  5. Thank you for this episode! What a blessing! Don’t stop praying!! God wants to do amazing things in your life!

  6. Barb,

    I always appreciate your wisdom. Thank you! Congratulations on your new deep dive on prayer. (I can buy my copy… no need to include me in the raffle)

    Sending you spring joy,

    Lisa Wilt

  7. The beginning of this devotion took me back 32 years to the same scenario and panic. Praise God, that also had a happy ending with a healthy baby boy. Barb, I love how you make everything so relatable. I’m going to encourage our women’s Bible study leader to take a look at this for our Fall study.

    • Laurie, thank you for sharing that with us. We give thanks for the God that hears our panic prayers and promises to walk with us no matter what! I hope your group leader checks out the study and she’s welcome to email me if she has any questions.

  8. this is so beautiful – thank you Barb… begin prayer with God – recognizing who He is and so very grateful for the power that He has and has done for me… showering me with His love in His timing and ways for His glory! All to Him!

  9. I am coming out of a long season of losses which began with my mom last summer. Just this past weekend, through the prayer of someone I’d just met at a retreat, I was reminded that God has seen me through all of it. “Seen me.” He sees me! So after a long winter of rest, I am ready to serve Him by leading a study in my home again. To Him be the glory!

    • Precious Donna, you’ve been through it! I love how God used someone last weekend to remind you of that He has seen you this entire time. You are so loved! I’m excited for the next study you’re preparing to lead and all the ways God will use you to be a blessing to others.

  10. My daughter has lived in constant fear and anxiety for the last 15 years due to an incurable and debilitating physical condition. She has lost her way from God in her despair…her faith and dreams shattered. Barb, your book sounds like it could be the perfect guiding path back to her once loving relationship and trust in God. It would be amazing if we could win a copy of your book for her… Thank you for writing it! Praying that it touches the hearts of many.

    • Renee, I wish that I could hug you and your sweet daughter today. I’d like pray for the both of you…God, we thank You for always being with us, no matter what. God, there are times when life is too much and we don’t understand, but God, You are still with us and love us the same. I pray for Renee’s daughter and ask in some big or small way, her heart remembers Your love and grace toward her. We pray for healing and that Renee clings to the peace that You promise each day. Amen.

  11. Oh how good it is to be reminded that God is with me at my high points and at my low points. It is so easy to forget about His presence and how much He cares for me. Thank you for reminding me of His “with-ness!”

    • Beverly, thank you for joining us today on (in)courage and sharing your comment. We pray that you hold onto the with-ness of God all day and that knowledge blesses and strengthens you.

  12. Dear Barb………….I always get excited when I see that today’s devotion is written by you and what a wonderful story and something that I need is what it was. I never win anything so I want to buy your book. I do pray very often every day and every night, but 1 thin I do right away in the morning is read today’s card from a tool I got from the (incourage) community. As soon as I get my breakfast and even before if I am really awake I go to my “Create in Me” , a Daybrightener which has a word each day and a scripture or writing and WOW, if I wasn’t quite awake yet I am now. They are all very uplifting and give you that word and also something that gives you HOPE for the day if your season is not at its not the best one. Then I go to my window in my apartment and look outside and tell our Creator of all the beautiful things I see. I think sometimes we forget that God did all of this for us. My view is not too good, but I find something that is beautiful to tell Him how much I appreciate and love what I see. Even when it rains, I thank Him as our part of the country is in a severe drought situation. I do some other things that need to be done and then I sit down and pray about troubles that are tearing me down. It has been 5 years now. The job I had expected me to get things done as soon as my manager told me and my brain still misses solving their problems in our company. I know that God has his own plan for us and it may not match our way of thinking. At times I may be sad about that, but I also know that whatever His plan is for me will be something more beautiful than what I am thinking. Barb, I would like to buy a copy of your book as I said I am never lucky at winning. How do I go about doing this? There has been so many things that God has done for me over my 77 years, so far ;however, the ones facing me now are very serious and complicated so maybe I am not praying properly so I think the book is what I need. I have so many of the (incourage) book or journals and many more different things. I am going to star your devotion so it doesn’t get lost in my 197 emails. Thanks again Barb and I send my love and gratitude for all you women who have helped me stay grounded and not give up. One thing I do now is that my faith is unshakeable no matter what they try to do to me and I have not made friends with Satan as when he is around, I just shout to him, I love God and away he goes. I hope the rest of your week goes well..Love….Betsy

    • Betsy, you are in my prayers every morning! I pray you are surrounded by loving, caring, kind folks. May it be so!

    • Hi Betsy, I am blessed by your kind words. Thank you. I love that our (in)courage Daybrightner is a daily encouragement to you – everyone should grab one! We pray with you for God’s grace in the midst of the long drought. Your commitment to praising God in the highs and lows is inspiring, Betsy. We all want to have unshakeable faith like you! As far as my new Bible study, the easiest place to find it is on Amazon. Thank you again for sharing with me today! May you experience God’s sweetness today.

  13. Oh how I needed this today! I would love to do this Bible study. Thank you for this opportunity! Bless you and thank you for the reminder!

  14. I lead a Neighborhood Cafe study and we focused one season on prayer & one season on Names of God. This book would be a great addition. Thank you!

  15. I lead a Neighborhood Cafe study and we focused one season on prayer & one season on Names of God. This book would be a great addition. Thank you!

    • Hi Sharon, that’s a cool format for a neighborhood study! Thank you for letting God use you and I think the Matthew study would work great for your group.

  16. I am presently reading through the gospels about to start Matthew. This post excites me about digging into Jesus’ teachings on prayer in Matthew. I feel like a Jelly Roll prayer person, but I am trying to learn to be a better prayer warrior, inviting the Lord into my life everyday and putting His will for my life first. Waiting patiently and quietly to hear from Him.

    • Hi Wanda, thank you for joining today’s conversation! I love your desire to see God more in prayer and I am excited about how God will meet you in that experience and transform your life.

  17. Thank you very much! I suffer with seasons of depression and anxiety. In one now. I look forward to reading your daily devotionals. They have encouraged me greatly as I also have a debilitating back condition which prevents me from doing much as I used to do, but am blessed with a wonderful husband who cares for me. I am 78. I pray daily for my husband, family, friends and neighbors. I talk to the Lord through out the day and thank Him for everything. I also pray the Lord’s prayer. God bless you all!

  18. God Is With Me When .. I don’t feel His presence in my life. God Is With Me!
    Thank you for the message today! I needed to hear just that!

  19. My word of the year is “prayer” because I want to dive deep into learning how to pray as Jesus taught us and to pray through my day. I would love the chance to win a copy of your study!

  20. This was really convicting for me…I needed the reminder that our prayers should be focus on God and His character rather than ourselves and our personal desires. Being with Him will always be more than enough.

  21. WOW! I always so amazed at God’s timing. I literally was praying today asking for forgiveness for only praying for things to God to do, instead of worshipping at His feet, and seeking His face. I think this Matthew Bible study from Barb would really help me focus in and change the way I pray. Thanks for all the wonderful encouragement your devotions give us. Lord Bless us All this week.

  22. I know prayer is so important in my relationship with God. I need to continue to look at how I pray. I know many ladies in my Bible study feel similarly, so I would love to take a look at this book so I could share it with them. God bless you.

    • Hi Jane, thank you for sharing your comment and your desire for a powerful, effective prayer life. You’re all entered in our giveaway and we’d love for you to check out the Matthew Bible study!

    • Hi Nina! Thank you for your enthusiasm for my new Matthew: Pray Like This study! You can find it anywhere online – there’s a link in the article to the book on Amazon. As a bonus, you’re entered into our giveaway. Good luck!

  23. Thank you each for your Daily Meditations of Sharing your experiences with God. So needed today, more than we’ve ever needed. I Pray every day for the 2nd Coming to be United with all Loved ones in Heaven including 4 legged kids!

  24. Such a lovely devotion on prayer. We all need a reminder to know that God is always with us.
    Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy of your book!

  25. This book would be a great book for me right now. My husband is going to see an oncologist on the 10th of April. I know Jesus is right by my side as we wait to hear what his next steps will be for the cancer.

  26. This book would be a great book for me right now. My husband is going to see an oncologist on the 10th of April. I know Jesus is right by my side as we wait to hear what his next steps will be for the cancer.

    • Linda, yes! God will be with you every step of the way…God, we give thanks for Your constant presence. We pray for Linda’s husband and their upcoming appointment. We give thanks for Your peace that will guard their hearts and minds. We ask for healing and supernatural wisdom for their health care providers. Amen.

  27. So good. A great reminder to shift our focus to Him more in our prayers. While it’s good to bring it all to Him, I feel like I can get trapped in a me this or me that situation or I need this… or I want this…. I need to infuse more praise into my prayers.

    • Courtney, thank you for your comment. You aren’t alone in your prayer struggle at times. We appreciate your authenticity and we hope today’s post encouraged you!

  28. Such a great reminder! I have been feeling a bit lost while praying lately and I am definitely needing to read this devotional!

  29. I love this so much. I love that Jesus is God with us, this was even prophesied in the Old Testament. Recently I’ve been reminded that God is always with me. He knows us personally and uniquely. I love that He cares about the little things in our lives like what we crave to eat and providing an opportunity to serve. Since God is with me, I can be relational to others. I had the opportunity to bless someone while on my lunch break near work. I noticed the need and felt a tung from the Holy Spirit to help. The women were very grateful for the help and I in turn was blessed my feeling like I was able love them well and showing Kindness like our Father in Heaven. Thank you for sharing article.

  30. Hi, I really enjoyed this podcast. I have trouble with the “Withness” of God. I pray, but I don’t hear His Voice. Need to be closer to Him. My husband & I are elderly with many health issues. We need to know how to get to the place where God is always with us. I know He promised to never leave us or forsake us; I’m so thankful for that. I struggle because of illnesses and my grown children have decided about a yr. ago to stop even talking to me. My middle daughter, Amelia, so precious died of sepsis at 38 yrs. old. I believed God would heal her; but, I watched her die. I am so alone. I need to have the “Withness” of God now. Sincerely, Victoria Bowling

  31. I loved this! When we stop using prayer as an “ask”, and start using it as an opportunity to thank God, we can begin to see all that we have and all He has already provided.

    God, I cloak myself in your love as I set my eyes on being more loving and forgiving like you. Amen.

  32. I really appreciate the focus on God IS, HAS, CAN, WILL. The state of our country, my job, my relationship losses have all created stress and worry that is unfamiliar to me. I’ve been praying a lot of “Help, Jesus!” prayers, but focusing on God’s presence and power can bring rest in the storm.

  33. Thank you for your message. You shared good practical information.
    I will make use of your God centering exercise.

  34. The timing of this podcast was perfect for me.
    i look forward to digging in deeper so I am always reminded of God’s character

  35. Learning to focus on God isntead of what I need or want from
    Him is something I am working on. Learned wo many great tips last night at ASPIRE women event in Uxbridge Mass – where Barb shared from her new study in Matthew !! A few that stood out
    ” we elevate our problems a ove God – we want God to fix our problems more than we want God . A great reminder to center ourselves around who God is ❤️

  36. Thank you for your words of encouragement! I am reminded of the withness of God in every situation.

  37. I am going through a tough time right now…a diagnosis of breast cancer. I am looking forward to reading this book as I find myself centered on me before God.

  38. Thank you. This is just what I needed to hear today. I am excited and looking to reading this new book.

  39. I would be excited to receive a Bible study of Matthew! I have done several Bible studies from Barb and they have been great! Hoping to receive this one❤️

  40. I’ve been wanting to strengthen my life. I try to start out praising the Lord always but I also have ADHD. I would love to have this book. I have a birthday this next month on the 29th. That might qualify for a free copy.❤️ thank you in advance.

  41. Thank you so much for this-after many years as a believer, i see how my praying is thwarped by a bad orientation and this really adjusts my thinking and my very words used in prayer.

    I want to thank you as i’ve been sharing truths from your weekly mail with a friend whose son is on drugs and she’s heart broken. She now uses the 4P method of prayer and tells me it has truly changed her thinking.
    May God continue to uphold, inspire and bless you, dear Sister and your team, Jeanne (in Montreal, Quebec, Canada)

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