About the Author

Ligia (Lee-hee-ya) was born in Antigua, Guatemala, and currently resides in Canada. She is a devoted wife, mother, and Leader. Ligia is passionate about serving others and sharing her story of God’s grace and redeeming power. She is approachable, authentic, and friendly, with a profound love for God and people.

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  1. Such a beautiful encouragement, Ligia! Yes! Let’s keep telling His story in ours whether we get the reunion story 20 years later or not. Our stories, as Christ followers, are HIS story all along! Blessings (((0)))

  2. Ligia,

    What an incredible story… Thank you for sharing! I’ll share with others on Pinterest. Having a phenomenal Wednesday.

    Sending you midweek joy

    Lisa Wilt

  3. Dear Ligia………..Your story was so very sad and brokenhearted in the beginning. I can’t even with Jesus in your life that you were able to survive, but Dorothy appeared and I am sure God had something to do with that ( We who watch Hallmark movies would call that a Godwink, which is a divine intervention, not just a coincidence as many would say ). God was with you for sure and it seemed like she really helped you to begin to remember one of my favorite phrases ” Be Still and Know “. I have a few pieces of jewelry that has that phrase on it. Many people here where I live don’t understand what it means and I try to explain to them. Right now I am in a situation ( at 77 years old ) that is so nasty and heartbreaking for the past 6 years and shows no signs how it could possibly be resolved. I pray and pray and pray some more. I know that many times we have to try and be patient until God does what he promised, many times in what we may look as odd, but they work. My major heartbreak is my 50 year old son called and dismissed me as his mother. He said I kept lying about his father’s condition which is a violent form of dementia. He also said that my 1 grandchild, he and his wife would never allow me to see or even talk to him, ever again. He was only 11 at the time and now approaches 15. He is the love of my life. At some point I pray that God shows me something positive regarding this situation. I have had to divorce my husband as he is still in denial about there being something wrong with him and he is a heavy drinker which is the first thing the neurologists said he would have to stop as they put him into “dementia rages ” and because I stayed with him for 3+ years after I noticed his mind was waning and I was the only person living in our house, he abused me every single night until 1 night he tried to kill me. The doctors, police and my support groups all said that I had to get him out of the house. It scared me so much, I had to do it to try and protect my own safety so I had to sell our house of 40 years and he lives in one facility and I live in another. From what I have heard from his friends, he seems to be in Tier 4 which is the last before passing, but he will not speak to me. I read many books and do some journals from you women from ( incourage ) who really gives me a reason to get up in the morning. Thank you for your words and I am sorry you had to go through all those things when you were so young, but God always comes through with his promises. I am so glad and happy for you that you seem to have a lovely life now and you even got to see Dorothy again. Have a great rest of the week and I am so glad you have a nice family. I am alone with no relatives left. I know Jesus and my wonderful Holy Spirit are always with me, but some days I have “Sorrow Day” when all I do is cry and pray for help. Being alone is very difficult for me………..Love………..Betsy Basile

  4. Ligia, this is a wonderful encouragement post you made this morning, it tells us that the world still have great people. Thank you so much.

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