About the Author

Kathi lives with Roger and a bunch of chickens in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California. There they host writer retreats, and Kathi writes about how to do life with God a little closer today than yesterday. She’s a best-selling author and absolutely loves her Clutter Free Community on Facebook.

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  1. This is so helpful, Kathi. I have been trying to be present. It is one of my words for this year. It is very hard because I also tend to multitask. People speak and instead of truly listening and attending, I may be thinking of my response or the next things I “need” to do. I appreciate the way you have organized the suggestions. I especially like the idea of threshold moments. But I was really taken by the phrase that Jesus walked in “the speed of love”. That really made me think. Thank you for sharing.

  2. This is an incredible post. I so needed this. Thank you. I am going to incorporate these practices in my daily life with God’s help!!

  3. Kathi, your words were exactly what I needed as our women’s team works on a presentation on hospitality. We so easily hear the word hospitality & visualize the woman who opens her immaculate home for a 13 course meal for 50 people. Yet I believe Jesus showed hospitality to the woman who touched His cloak. Full attention toward another no matter how pre-planned or long an interaction is is welcoming & hospitable toward another. I can’t heal a disease but an honest smile & full focused hello can be the balm for another’s weary heart. Blessings! (((0)))

  4. Love this!! “Presence is a practice not a destination.” The Lord’s Presence is there already versus me trying to get there. He is always waiting on me. I can hear Him saying, “Been here the whole time just waiting on you to recognize it, my daughter!”

  5. Truly impacted by today’s devotional. I need stillness in my life. Multitasking daily with no stopping, the practice of presence is going to be such a blessing for me. God bless you and your ministry.

  6. Kathi,
    Thank you for sharing such a practical, impactful, and much needed message. You have a gift for delivering useful suggestions in manageable ways. Your insights about practicing presence will benefit so many of your readers, including me!


  7. I get laughed at occasionally, because I say excuse me when I burp, even if I believe no one else is physically present, to always be aware that God is always with me.

  8. Love this devotional!
    Thank you Kathy
    I also love your reference to Jesus walking at the “speed of love” ~ that is such a beautiful capture of exactly what he did.

  9. Dear Dawn………..I loved your devotional today. I, like you have been a multitasker all my life and I am 77 years old. It was so important in all my jobs over my work years (45 years), but my mother used to tell me not to put so much effort into completing everything I planned. I have a necklace that I frequently wear that say ” Be still and know”. Love it .Thank you for all the tips you gave us to settle down. Even though I am retired, I still think the way I did in my younger years. I certainly will make post-it notes and put them in my apartment to remind me to ” slow down”. I got cards from (in) courage community that has a different word and something to read. This is where I go when I get up in the morning. It always inspires me. I always like to read these agan after lunch when I am more “with it”. Thank you again, Dawn for your wonderful words and I hope and pray that you and your family was not touched by all that terrible weather you have been receiving in California. Take care and I send you my love and support if you were affected by the weather…………………….Betsy Basile

  10. Dear Kathi……….I for some reason said “Dawn” instead of Kathi. Please forgive me and my comment was for you. Betsy Basile

  11. Thank you for this post, Kathi. I have gotten away from “practicing the presence of God.” Over the last several years, I have allowed the rest of life to distract me. Your post is a reminder of what is better. Thank you for providing practical suggestions as well. I will begin implementing these today!

  12. Kathi thank you so much for this reading it has really spoke to me. What you said so true to with our feet in your title of today’s devotion. Where your feet are embarrassing the spiritual practice of presence. That spoke to me. I felt God say to me are you too busy to stop all the business in your life each day to take time out of it to rest your feet and sit down spend time resting with me reading my word and letting it speak too. Presence is practice not a destination.I done it in the past saying I’ll do this first get all done then I will spend time with God in his word and prayer. But the destination of doing it put God further and further away from me. As I get then too tired to want after everything is done spend time with God. So I have to practice presence by saying Dawn you have to put God first at the beginning of your day. So you don’t get tired by the business of the day. That you are too tired to spend time with God. I am getting there slowly by spending time with God in prayer and reading his word at the start of my day before I do anything else. As if I don’t my time with God gets further and further away that day. That is what Satan the Devil wants. So it is practice presence with God each day as soon as I wake up letting nothing get in the way of my time with God. Before I go do anything else that day. I have to make God first not everything else first. Or as I already said God then get further and further away from me. But I find it I put God first in my day by spending time with him. I know I do things that I don’t know are sin in God eyes quicker if I don’t spend time at the start of my day before anything else with God. Then if I spend time with God at the beginning of the day. I find even with trials that may come my was to test me. I say to myself Dawn living as Christian better because I have spent time with God. Then I want the day to God go God’s way for my life. I feel so much better that I have put God first in my life by spending time with him before anything else in my life. Why I don’t do that get to tired with the business of the day. I find I get guilty I not spent the time with God. As God is there for me when I need him and he never leaves me not for sakes me. I say Amen to that. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx

  13. I love these hints.. THANKYOU. My Word for 2025 is ANCHOR and I really need to be present , in all circumstances , with Him.

  14. Reading all the above posts were so thought provoking and inspirational. Thank you Kathi for such a beautiful write up about choosing Jesus Presence first and foremost! I need to chew on this….thank you. Oh I also love the thought that…Jesus walked in the speed of love. That is soooo beautiful.

    Thanks again Kathi♥️

  15. I so need these reminders . Practical steps to take . I have overwhelmed most of my days . My husband is fighting Pancreatic Cancer and some days I don’t have the strength. I pray for Gods mercies on me fresh every day and my husband also. He is doing very well! Praise God !

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