About the Author

ALIZA LATTA is a writer, artist, and pastor who is a huge fan of telling stories. She creates content for Canada’s largest youth conference, Change Conference, and is a church planter in Ontario, Canada. Her artwork and writing have been featured in publications for LifeWay, Dayspring, and (in)courage. She is...

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  1. Aliza, these are precious thoughts you are sharing! And it makes me smile to think it is”mom inspired “. Bravo, Aliza’s mom!

  2. Aliza thank you for today’s reading. It speaks to me a lot. I found out on the past. God doesn’t answer my prayers as quickly as I like God too. I have to wait in God’s timing to see will he answer the prayer I want answered. If not I have to accept it was not God’s will to answer me. Sometimes God has made me wait. That is hard when you want him to not keep you waiting for him to answer you. Especially if an important need that needs to be answered. You are kept waiting and I have said why God have you not answered this prayer request I need you to answer. Then I heard God say are you not trusting me that I know what is best and the time to answer the prayer or tell you what to do next. God has told me to keep looking up and stand on his promises in word that I believe he will answer it. Keep trusting him. But I have at time seams to think my way was best. Why will God not do it my way. Then when I have got answer from God to tell me what to do or to say God has answered my prayer after all the waiting. Then when think and I look at the what God did and said yes in the end God was right to make me wait and trust him no matter what. Not expect it to answered my way and as quickly as I want. As if God did it wouldn’t have been the right timing or the right way. God I have to mit know best and know what best for me. I have to keeping looking on to God and trusting him and stand I on his promises no matter the wait. As with God he knows best. I say Amen to that. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx

  3. I lead a ministry for moms of struggling adult children. It’s called God’s Waiting Room. This was a perfect devotional to share with them. Thank you, I loved the perspective because that is what we do, disciple them in how to trust God with their adult children’s difficult situations. Thank you again for being used of the Lord to bless the body of Christ.

  4. Aliza,

    From 2007-2017 I was in a season of caregiving for my parents-dementia. Prayed many times for it to be over. It hit me that God was working through me in that time. My faith & trust muscles were strengthened mightily. It seemed like nothing to trust God to deliver what I needed & more. He has done that several times. Each time I was in awe of His love for me. It makes me wonder what He has in store this year for me. I’m savoring my time with Him & using my waiting to build a deeper connection to Him.

    Blessings 🙂

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