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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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  1. Thank you for sharing this beautiful encouragement! This southern girl will see the bleakness in the bare limbed trees of my yard & be perfectly satisfied with the next to no snow cold of Midlands SC. But the evergreens staunchly displaying their greenery next to the naked Sycamore & Bradford Pears in my yard testify to the perennial faithfulness of God. We are currently seeing the same steadfastness in the path of grief of a recently widowed friend who we have been honored to walk alongside of even as I still have my beloved better half. GOD IS FAITHFUL even in the bleakness of grief! Yeah God!!! Blessings, y’all (((0)))

  2. Such a beautifully written piece. I love that hymn. It really touches my heart. And I get it about winter. I live in Maine. We did have a little snow for Christmas but now not a flake to be seen. It has melted, it has rained, it has risen to 50 degrees. I feel it is a reflection of our unstable times. Nothing normal. Fortunately our God is always there, never changing even as the world changes.

  3. This is beautiful, Anna. You hit it out of the ballpark on this one! Bravo! The light in the darkness.

  4. Anna,

    This devotional hit home as we are preparing for 16 inches of snow in Kansas City! I had to share your devotion because days are so short making bleakness so common.

    Sending you winter joy❄️

    Lisa Wilt

  5. Dear Anna…This is certainly a story about the area that we live in. We have only had, maybe a quarter of an inch of snow here. The ski resorts are suffering as our temperatures may be 60 one day and 21 the next. Christmas and New Year did not seem the same either. They are so short staffed here where I live on those two days, we were served out inedible food on paper plates and very small plastic cups. So depressing to those of us did not have family to go to. Now today, they say we may have a half inch, but don’t get me wrong, since for 50 years I was used to having my car in a garage, but not here and I forgot how hard it was to clean the car off and nobody is allowed to help you. I constantly search for that light at the end of the tunnel, but my attorney has been on vacation for 3 weeks now so nothing is moving. This whole mess I am in was supposed to be done in August, then, November and finally, for sure, December. Well, that didn’t happen. If they would just stop fighting what my ex-husband agreed to and has been through the court. My son continues to try and find a way that I don’t get any money. Along with all this gloomy, bleak weather as your words said, it has piled more problems on me. Anna, I cannot pray any more than I already do. It is half a day, every day and I just keep praying for the same things. I hope I did not do something to anger Jesus. Well, I am still trying to be positive and lean into God. I know that something better will await me. All I really want is to see my grandson or talk to him. He is now 14 years old and I don’t even know what he looks like as the last time I saw him, he had just turned 11. No matter how much time goes on, I just cannot forget about this and what my son did to betray me. Sorry to ramble on. Thank you for your words today and much love I send to you. May your New Year be safe, happy and filled with love……………..Betsy Basile

  6. Anna,

    Today (1/3) we here in upper E. TN got a dusting of snow. It made the landscape more beautiful. Winter can be bleak. It’s dark & gloomy now. God’s love can push us through this & any trial we face. Thanks for a great devotional! Have a blessed new year!

    Blessings 🙂

  7. Such a beautiful reminder. Thank you. It is dark and so very cold this morning in a small mountain town of West Virginia. Suddenly, I am looking forward to a walk on the trails once it is light outside. A walk with love, gratitude, and faith.