About the Author

A three-time tongue cancer survivor and mama of children from “hard places," Michele Cushatt is a (reluctant) expert on pain, trauma and the deep human need for connection. Her most recent book, "A Faith That Will Not Fail" delivers 10 practices to help you build up your faith when your...

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  1. Dear Michele,
    Thank you for this beautiful reminder
    That the most important work has already been done by the God who set eternity in our hearts and will make all things beautiful in its time. We can rest in our Saviors love. Especially during the hard and painful times. God bless you!

  2. Michele,

    I’m midlife too and I’m loving it! To God be the glory. Of course, life isn’t perfect but I’m content with Jesus!

    Thank you for sharing… I shared on Twitter.

    Sending you new year joy, Lisa Wilt

  3. Dear Michele……Your devotion you posted today truly hit a sore spot in my life. What you wrote explains exactly, and I mean that to what I have been going through the last 25 years. I am way past mid-life crisis at 77 years, but now I have entered when I was 70 a new season we call the Senior Season. Believe me, it is way different from all the previous seasons I went through. I had so many serious medical problems and surgeries which half of them were botched by the surgeon. The last one ended me up in intensive care for 2 weeks in a drug induced coma due to the head of the department giving me the wrong medication and I coded. The surgeon told my then husband that I would not survive. This is where and I am telling the truth, I saw Jesus standing next to me and my Holy Spirit whispering in my ear. Jesus, ” Betsy, my daughter, it is not your time. You have so much to give to others. It is not you time. ” My Holy Spirit whispered in my ear. Listen closely what He is saying. Jesus continued saying you have to fight, fight, fight. I will give you strength, but you must not give up” and then they were gone. Well, I had always been a fighter so I guess that is what I did as I am still here. I only told a few people about this experience and most of them said, you were just dreaming. It hurt my feelings that they could say that to me, so I stopped telling others, but I know what I saw. I finally got back to my job that I loved, but when I got to 70 years old, things were different. I was weary, I wasn’t quite as good at multi-tasking and my job required that and I was weak through all of these 10 operations I had been through. The other serious one was also botched and I ended up losing a kidney and I had 3 operations on that to try and fix what they had done. I finally realized I was going to have to retire and I still grieve about that. Michele, I have asked many women if they at age 40 ever thought how it would be at 65 or 70. Like me, they all said “No I haven’t”. You really need to do that and prepare for it. That is why, Michele, your last paragraph is EXTREMELY important. I am going to follow your words and I must say that I pray frequently through the day and night and tell Jesus what is worrying me as now I face the worst situation in my life. For 6 years now and not much has happened to make me feel hopeful, but I have started to see the light at the end of the tunnel, so I know that God is working on it and I need to be patient as we all know that He works on his timeline. Thank you again Michele. Your word have made me smile which is not what I usually do in the morning so to start the week, I wish you and best and hope and pray that your physical problems will cease and desist. Love to you and may you have a Happy New Year……………….Betsy Basile

    • Oh, Betsy. I am so sorry for your suffering. It’s too much. And yet, I hear your dogged hope and determination to cling to Jesus. And that right there shines the brightest light. Don’t give up, sister. And keep smiling. He sees you, and He knows.

  4. I really needed to hear this, Michele! I, too, have a super long to-do list. And I’m trying to lose weight and having marginal success at best. When I catch up with one chore, another takes its place. Oy vay!

    I need to trust and obey more. And this is an item on my list that is sure to bring joy!

  5. I appreciate this perspective so much. The gentle reminder to bring everything to God and with God is what my aching heart needed to hear today. Thank you.

  6. So good, Michele! Thanks for this needed message. I find myself “not bothering” too often because I don’t feel like I’m makes progress in many areas. This is a “save and re-read” message!

    Also I didn’t get the email this morning and I know some others said the same thing last week. Just wanted to let the (in)courage staff know.


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