About the Author

Simi was born in India and moved to Dallas, TX at the age of 7. Simi is a speaker, author, and full-time physical therapist. Her calling is to the local church and her passion is to equip women to know who they are and live faithfully right where they are....

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  1. Oh Simi, as someone who has lived in OR, CO, and now ME, may you one day experience autumn in the PacNW or the Northeast. CO’s aspens are just a smidge of the gorgeousness of fall colors amongst the evergreens. 🙂

  2. I confess I’m not a mountain person. The vistas & panoramic views are breathtakingly impressive but they do not give me the awe & wonder that fills my soul as I sit or stroll the ocean shore. The roar of the waves hitting the sand & the sound of seagulls & horns of early morning shrimp boats are the soundtrack of God’s presence for me. I only afford to visit my soul nourishing geography occasionally. Yet God gives me those memories of the beach side meetings when life inland gets tiresome. God Himself is the mountaintop experience & He provides those glimpses of heavenly glory when & where He chooses for each of us. Gives me chills at His presence in our lives & the tangible experiences He gives us when & where we need it most! Thank you, Simi, for bringing my mountain top at the beach to mind. Praising God for you & His provisions this morning! Blessings (((0)))

  3. Thank you for this. It is a great reminder that while we love and need mountaintop experiences, God wants us to use them back in our real (flat) world. Just like there are people who have never seen the mountains or oceans and don’t know what they are missing, there are people who have never had a deep experience with God, and don’t realize how much He has for us. May we use our experiences to create a hunger in others for all God has for each of us.

    • Yesss! I think that was what Dr. King’s speech spoke to me ….tell others about the mountain tops you have experienced so that they can crave it!

  4. oh Simi soooo beautiful \0/
    I grew up in No Cal by the beach. We visited Lake Tahoe often. I love the 4 four seasons! I’ve lived in Hawaii. Beautiful also. I’ve lived in Utah…my favorite! Now I’m in So Cal. If I’m honest not my favorite. Thanksgiving is coming and it’s supposed to be 80 degrees. Not great for oven cooking!!! Even though it’s not my favorite my husband’s family is here who I adore, my church family is here. My nephews baseball games and dear dear friends!
    “We crave the mountaintop experiences but we cannot create our homes there”
    I know I am very blessed when I “take time today to reflect on the mountaintop moments of your life, and recall God’s faithfulness”
    Family is close and friends are near. God is good \0/
    If it’s in God’s plan I will take a vacation home in Utah in a second ( ;

    • I def want to go to Utah one day… but I do love the ocean too, San Diego is one of my fav places ever. But I totally get it, during the holidays…I like seeing the snow and wearing sweaters as I sip on hot chocolate by the fire!

  5. This was an amazing segment. Thank you for sharing. Recently I am in the midst of on an “On the Top of the Mountain” moment and initially I prayed, Lord, please keep me here for a moment. It is such a relief, refreshing, rejuvenating moment…I’ve needed it for SO long, but like you say, I trust it will give me vision and faith for the other times. Thanks for sharing!

    • Yesssss! And I love that The Bible mentions Peter saying those words out loud, because he is all of us. We all crave to stay in the beauty and goodness…bc we are truly made for that and one day we will…for eternity. But in the here and now, we walk through valleys with the same God who allowed us to stand on the mountain tops!

  6. Thank you Simi for such an inspirational message! I love the examples you shared with us from God’s word. I’m reminded of some very significant moments in my walk with God.
    God bless you for sharing this.

    • You are so welcome! Thanks for taking the time to encourage me! And I pray that even as you reflect on the past mountain top moments you will get excited for God to move in and through you in the mundane!

  7. Simi,
    Growing up in New England I was spoiled by the fall beauty of Vermont, Maine and New Hampshire. But…..the winter is a harsh taskmaster and we must endure it for 6 months!
    Yes, mountain top experiences are for us to take as memorable moments to get through real life.
    God knows best eh?
    Thank you Simi for the wonderful images as I’m now retired and moved south where fall beauty is just a memory.

  8. Simi,

    I grew up outside of Tampa FL. Always wanted to live surrounded by mountains. Now I am blessed to live in the great Smokey Mountains of upper E. TN. Love looking at the majestic towering mountains-especially in the fall with ALL of God’s beauty & colors displayed. One fond memory I have is seeing the Grand Canyon. It was gorgeous beyond measure.

    Just looking at the mountains makes my eyes go up further toward Heaven where one day I will see Jesus!!

    Blessings 🙂