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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
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  1. Before I was fully awake this morning Matthew 11:28 came to mind. Then I read your beautiful post reinforcing what God had already brought to mind! I’m giving myself permission to set the snooze alarm rather than add another chore to the beginning of my day. God certainly calls us to Himself for what is best! Blessings! (((0)))

  2. Thank you Michelle. I will be sharing this with my daughter. Mom of 5 and 2 are teenagers! She is constantly on the go. I was blessed to spend the month of August with them. As I look back, I realize I was constantly telling my grandkids:
    “pick up after yourself”, “put away your clothes”, “did you clean up bathroom after your shower?” I was also constantly asking Krissy “what can I do to help you” Do you need anything” “do you want me to fold the clothes”… as if they did nothing!!!
    I realize as I read your post today. What mattered most to her was that they as a family rested. Chilled. Played with their dog. Laughed when a visiting friend told a story or showed a funny picture. Squabbled about what Mom cooked, but still ate together.
    Guess who needs to chill??? Hello? Yep me….hahahaha

    • Janet my poor sight had me thinking you had written “…prayed with their dog.” I think I’m going to start praying with our dog when I get him wound up playing! The slow down will be good for both of us! Sight issues giving vision. ;~)

    • Oh, this is soooo good! This is such a reminder, especially since so many of us want to just love on and care for our people. And sometimes the best way to love our people isn’t to stay busy for them, but to rest with them. Thanks for spelling this out. I know we all need to hear this!

  3. Michelle,

    Life can get busy especially when raising children. Society does not make it any easier. They seem to yell do, go, strive more. The problem is that in the end we get frazzled & our families get the brunt of it. My weeks are rushed with church, working 4o+ hrs.in 4 days, volunteering, & grocery shopping. This week I had a doctor’s appointment on Friday (my week day off) then went shopping, put groceries away & went to volunteer with Loaves & Fishes Food Bank. After working my long week & doing all that I decided to rest on Saturday. I cooked some chili & have been home enjoying alone time. Lysa Terkeurst said it best in her book Your Best Yes “Saying yes to everyone & everything won’t make you wonder woman. It will make you a frazzled woman with nothing left to give.” Saying “YES” to a slower paced Christ Centered day.

    Blessings 🙂