About the Author

Lucretia is a wife, mom of three, and a TEDx and Q Ideas speaker (Charlotte, NC, 2017). As a former college professor, she designed the popular ‘beginners’ course and study guide, What LIES Between Us: Fostering First Steps Toward Racial Healing. She is the creator and director of the Brownicity.com...

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    • Hi Ariel!
      Thank you for reading.
      We know that race is not biological, but a man-made construct. We are striving to live into our full identity as one humanity — some of us are striving more than others, but nonetheless, we are getting there. Praise God!!

      “May we choose growth over preserving the status quo…. And may we seek to see humanity as we were designed to be and continue the work toward change and freedom.”


  1. God begins a Good Work in me…He doesn’t then take His hands off that Work until He completed it. The Work referred to, is The Christian’s Daily Walk, becoming more Christ-like with each passing day. That Walk starts with Salvation, & ends when we enter Heaven!

    • Hi ELMoreland.
      Happy MLK DAY!!!
      Thank you for reading my story.

      May we choose growth over preserving the status quo…. And may we seek to see humanity as we were designed to be and continue the work toward change and freedom.


  2. This is wonderful, thank you. Such a great focus on how to continue to grow in Christ and as followers of Christ in our communities in this day and age.

    • Hi Lea!!
      Happy MLK DAY!!

      Thank you for reading. And thank you for choosing a growth mindset over a fixed one!!!

      “May we choose growth over preserving the status quo…. And may we seek to see humanity as we were designed to be and continue the work toward change and freedom”


  3. Thank you, Lucretia, for your words of encouragement. Sometimes it feels like we’re heading backwards. But as long as there are beautiful young people like you pointing us forward, we will continue to head to that mountain top. May God bless you and the work you do!

    • Hi Irene!!
      Hi Lea!!
      Happy MLK DAY!!

      Thank you for reading. And thank you for the words of encouragement.
      To keep from feeling like we are going backwards, I remind myself of all that beauty that currently exists in society that could not have ‘lived’ prior to the Civil Rights Movement.

      “May we choose growth over preserving the status quo…. And may we seek to see humanity as we were designed to be and continue the work toward change and freedom”


    • Hi Maura!
      Happy MLK DAY!!

      Thank you for reading. And thank you for choosing a growth mindset over a fixed one!!!

      “May we choose growth over preserving the status quo…. And may we seek to see humanity as we were designed to be and continue the work toward change and freedom”


  4. Lucretia,

    You & Dr. King are spot on today. We have much work to do to end racial injustice & negativity. Jesus admonishes us to love one another as you would yourself. No race or people group is any better than the next. We are all one in the body of Christ. Jesus loves us just as we are-red, yellow, black, Chinese. We as Christians need to show this world how to love each other regardless of race, color or creed.

    Blessings 🙂

    • Hi Beth!!
      Happy MLK DAY!!

      Thank you for reading. Thank you for including my name in the same sentence as the Reverand Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.! I’m honored! And thank you for choosing a growth mindset over a fixed one!!!

      “May we choose growth over preserving the status quo…. And may we seek to see humanity as we were designed to be and continue the work toward change and freedom”


  5. Lucretia, thank you for the reminder of Dr Martin Luther King, Jr’s words and your insight. We, as Christians still have a lot of work to do. We can’t stop. We can’t rest. To God, we release ourselves to His Words and Direction in order to flourish and become stronger. Help us Lord to stand up for what is right for all people.

    • Hi mom!
      Happy MLK DAY!!

      Thank you for reading. And thank you for choosing a growth mindset over a fixed one!!!

      “May we choose growth over preserving the status quo…. And may we seek to see humanity as we were designed to be and continue the work toward change and freedom”

      Have a great day!!


  6. Thank you so much for this meaningful reflection today. The image of the bud from Dr King’s speech is such a powerful reminder to me – to keep learning, to keep looking for the Spirit of God at work in the world and to keep being willing to grow. Thank you.

    • Hi Sharon.
      Happy MLK DAY!!

      Thank you for reading. And thank you for choosing a growth mindset over a fixed one!!!

      “May we choose growth over preserving the status quo. May we reach to learn beyond our current understanding, listening and hearing in a new way. And may we seek to see humanity as we were designed to be and continue the work toward change and freedom.”

      Have a great day!!


  7. Oh, it’s wonderful to be reminded that our choices will set the direction for how we see and care for one another. I am sold out that the love of Christ in one’s heart is the best foundation for change and progress as our children are watching us.

    God bless you all.


  8. Amen Amen Amen! So beautifully written! I usually read these posts first thing in the am but it was just one of those days! So blessed I went back to it as I unwind this evening.

  9. Maybe this is odd, Lucretia, but when you were guiding us through the thoughts about unfinished work (and wrongly perceiving an unfinished work as finished), my mind instantly went to Jesus and His finished work on the cross. What He did for us there can never be added to or diminished…it’s the starting place for our Kingdom lives. And, truly, His is the only definitive finished work that matters for all of eternity :).

    Your ideas about growth, opportunity, flourishing, and maturing from bud to flower in light of MLK’s (and so many others…) work are powerful. Much has been done, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t so much more to do. Thank you for sharing such strong imagery to remember we get to have a part if we’re willing. <3