About the Author

Tasha is a Korean American melancholy dreamer, wife to Matt, mom to three wild and wonderful humans. She writes about everyday life and cultural and ethnic identity, and writing has always been the way God has led her towards the hope of shalom. Her first book, Tell Me The Dream...

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  1. Tasha,
    Your post really speaks to my heart. I was and still am a very sensitive person. I remember, very vividly, my father telling me that I needed to, “Stop wearing my feelings and emotions on my sleeve.” I was ripe for the picking…one swift punch and I was a goner. Like you, I felt that my sensitivity was something that needed fixing, changing. I needed to grow a tougher shell so that things would roll off my back more. Some 45+ years later, I realize that, though my sensitivity sometimes makes it hard to live in this tough, cruel world, it IS my superpower. It allows me to walk a mile in somebody else’s shoes. It allows me to feel and express deep compassion and empathy. It makes me attuned to the down-trodden and the misunderstood. It makes me a safe place for other sensitive people. Wasn’t Jesus a “safe place” for many? I am slowly believing sensitivity is a beautiful facet of Jesus’ personality….it drew people to Him. If I can emulate Jesus in this way – what a gift sensitivity is!! Lovely post!
    Bev xx

    • This post & your response has me in tears. I also am a very sensitive soul who grew up believing it was wrong to be this way. I had to “toughen up” to survive. You never show weakness is what I was taught. I guess I am just very tired, because I just can’t fight the feeling any more. I’ve been on an emotional journey for a while now. Bev, your thought that being sensitive is like being Christ to others, it’s eye opening. Thank you so much for sharing your story. It has helped me tremendously.

      • Kathy,
        I, too, wrestled for many years thinking that there was something “wrong” with me because I was so sensitive. First, God doesn’t make anyone or anything incorrectly or wrong…He knows just what He is doing and He rejoices over YOU as His beautiful creation!! He knew there were going to be enough “tough cookies” out there in this world and that hurting people would need some tender souls to turn to. God did something very RIGHT when He made you….He gave you a jump start in becoming like His Son, Jesus. Praise and thanksgiving for your sensitive soul. God is going to use you just as you are…just wait and see!
        Love and hugs (we sensitive people do that a a lot and that’s okay!)
        Bev xo

        • Bev I often enjoy reading your replies in the comment section. Thank you for your beautiful heart and wisdom you give. Can you please send me the link to your blog. I know I would enjoy it as well as you always have great words of wisdom and encouragement. May the Lord bless you. Thanks so much! Blessings and have a great day!

          • Darlene,
            I would love to have you visit me at my blog. Here is the address: http://walkingwellwithgod.blogspot.com/
            My most recent post is entitled “Heaven – What’s In Store for Us?” The best way to get my posts is to subscribe. I never sell or distribute my subscriber list – you’re family! You can always unsubscribe. There are lots of archived posts you can dig through….I’d love to have you as a reader. I try to post once a week, but with some recent medical issues, it’s been a little sporadic. Thanks for the encouragement – it’s comments like yours that keep me writing 🙂
            Bev xo

          • I feel the same way about your posts, Bev. I always find myself looking for your response right after I read the main post. Your words always seem to speak to me. I also thank you for your views above on sensitivity which had me in tears, like the other reader above said. I, too, have always thought my sensitivity was a weakness. Thank you for your beautiful words on being a sensitive soul – I am so encouraged now!

      • Kathy, I pray you would continue to find Christ, the tender King of Kings, right in the midst of your weakest moments. Grateful for your tender heart as it’s shown up here.

      • I know exactly what everyone is saying. I will say as for myself, I am glad I am n o t a super sensitive lady anymore. In a new job working with new women it all too reminds me of mean girls. The beauty of being sensitive is seeing in others what many don’t see. The sadness, loneliness and hopelessness. That is the gift we are to use as super powers. I n my opinion. I don’t know if you agree. One Boss- GOD. He keeps use on track and grounded.

    • Bev, I love the beautiful things you’ve listed that you are able to do because of your sensitivity towards others. Thank you for wrestling through and deciding it is indeed a gift that can be used for so much good. I see your sensitivity towards others her at (in)courage all the time and I know it has blessed so many of us a great deal.

  2. Tasha,

    Thank you for writing for those of us who are super sensitive. I can cry at the drop of a hat. But I am still sense when needs are to be met, whom to let cry on my shoulder. This world is tough & says god & do for number 1. It doesn’t think about the other person. I have deep concerns for other people, those hurting & helpless. My parents were both sensitive people. They cried often at movies or songs they heard. Instead of stuffing it down & trying to hide it I wear it like a badge of honor. After all Jesus was sensitive to the needs of others. He cried at the funeral of Lazarus-knowing He was going to resurrect him. He feels our pain & I can feel your pain also. Let’s all wear our superpower on our sleeve & be more like Jesus..

    Blessings 🙂

    • I love that your parents modeled sensitivity for you and didn’t try to keep you from being that way. And I like how you call it a badge of honor. That’s beautiful.

  3. If we all stop and think about it we probably all have sensitive side to us all. We are all build the way God made us. Beautiful in his eyes. Some more sensitive than others and words can hurt us. We are to try not let them hurt us. Forgive but that can be hard for some of us. But we have too. As Jesus would want us to do that. As if don’t it only eats at us. Ask Jesus to help us do that and he will. The person who said the words might have not have meant what they said. They might have come out wrong. They might not realise they have upset you. That you are so sensitive. You might have to tell them in a nice way. As if you don’t it will only eat you up inside until you do. Even something on tv can make you sensitive by saying that poor child or that poor person. You could take it to heart and have soft sensitive heart that way. I do if that was me go into prayer. Thank you so much for today’s reading it is excellent xxx

    • I agree that we all have a tender, sensitive side…and I believe it can look very different depending on the person. Thanks for your kind words, Dawn.

  4. I spent 2018 reading through the book of Jeremiah, the weeping prophet. His sensitive heart gave him the “super power” of pulling off an almost impossible assignment from God–deliver searing Truth to a disobedient and unfaithful nation while feeling their pain and mourning all that could have been.
    There have been times in my following life when I have wished with all my heart that I could just NOT care. But your words help me to see that this is the broad road that leads to death.

    • I love your example of Jeremiah and his “almost impossible assignment.” What a name – the weeping prophet. Great insight, Michele.

    • I love this post, for years I have walked a road believing that sensitivity was something to be ashamed off, made to feel I was to sensitive, to emotional. I am 46 now and the light has come on, I will walk forward embracing my sensitivity as a remarkable gift that gives me the empathy, compassion and grace for others that Jesus modeled for each one of us before us. How awesome! God is so gracious and shows us that things we saw as negatives in our lives are actually positives and we can lift our heads up and praise Him with such gratitude for make us each a marvelous masterpiece, created, designed, molded and filled in by his perfect strokes of loving hands.

  5. The Father Created each of us different. The purpose is so we can relate to others. You are fearfully and wonderfully made be who you are and allow Jesus to guide you.

  6. Oh Tasha, your words truly speak to me today! “The lunchroom of our soul…” Perfect description. I’ve been experiencing those moments especially after my time of prayer, and emerging not feeling stronger, but weaker. Hoping for clarity yet, it is very murky. It helps me to know I’m not alone, that these emotions are okay, and His arms are wide waiting for me in spite of me wishing away my sensitivity “superpower” . Thankfully, Jesus is patient because I get tangled up in my cape way too often than I’d like to admit. Sending you a hug <3

  7. I am learning about the highly sensitive person–an HSP. I am one. The term wasncoined by Elaine Aron and she wrote several books about traits that define an HSP. She explains how being highly sensitive can be an advantage, and as a Christian, I see the trait as beneficial in empathizing with others. I still get frustrated because I cry so easily…so much so that my tears no longer phase my husband of 31 years. That hurts sometimes though.

  8. Tasha, thank you for explaining your uncharacteristic episode as a way of encouraging all of us fellow sensitive souls. Makes me wonder what would happen if each of us embraced all that comes with our God-given level of sensitivity and did not try to stamp it out by stomping on others? Appreciate your beautiful writing.

  9. Thank you for your beautiful post Tasha. I too am I highly sensitive person. I seem to be drawn to someone who is hurting. I am learning to accept this is the way God made me. I too am realizing this has to have balance as I have often taken the other persons hurt on myself. The Lord is teaching me to cast the burden before Him and not take it upon myself. Thankful He has made me this way and I can use this gift to glorify Him!

  10. I feel like the tinman in the wizard of oz movie felt, when he finally got a heart.
    The heart being the symbol we feel emotion and love with. Personally I think sensitivity is a deep component of love, and tears reveal the need or unmet expectations. If we were made in God’s love, taught to love because He first loved us, then how can we limit or define that compassionate heart. Not with the world which is cruel. Being tender-hearted is a beautiful fruit of His Spirit.
    Recognize affronts for what they are, not purposeful in hurting, guard yourself against them. But, be gentle with yourself, tender-hearted and loving yourself and others, as Christ Himself loves. Personally, I think we all can use more sensitivity, and I respond to seeing it and feeling it, which is so opposite to a hardened, uncaring, behavior that is unloving. We were made to love.

  11. I think this is my favorite post you’ve written, Tasha. (Though I think that every time you write until the next post comes!) Thank you for letting us into the tender places of your heart and helping us all to see the beauty in our own sensitive spots and untidy stories.

  12. Another aspect of this, too, is that God made some of us to make disciples by a preaching, out-on-the-streets kind of evangelism, and others to be there for our friends and to love those around us quietly. This is something God’s been teaching me for years now, and it’s not gonna stop being an issue for me: that there are ways to advance the Kingdom besides going out and converting people, and that the person doesn’t even have to be a non-Christian for us to make a difference. Thanks for this, Tasha! <3 <3