About the Author

Kaitlyn is a Virtual Assistant, book launch manager, and storyteller who writes about discovering God's goodness in the ordinary and faithfulness in the difficult. She loves good books, deep conversations, and iced vanilla lattes. Kaitlyn is the author of Even If Not: Living, Loving, and Learning in the in Between.

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  1. Kaitlyn,
    What beautiful and TRUE scripture to quote. I find when I claim God’s promises out loud, it helps His TRUTH to resonate with my soul. I am so thankful He goes before us; He comes behind us; He hems us in with His ever present self. One of my favorite words in the Bible is lovingkindness. When I type it, spell check always want to correct it into two words, but God says that He is compassionate, slow to anger, and filled with lovingkindness. I cling to the Truth that God cannot deny himself. He IS love and therefore He always acts in loving ways toward us. I love this quote from “The Greatest Gift” by Ann Voskamp: “We are not spared of all trials, but we are spared of the trials that have no gifts.” I can honestly say that every trial and crucible I’ve been through has ultimately carried with it, a gift. God is an expert at bringing beauty from ashes. Praying for you Kaitlyn for a year filled with health, wholeness, and a deep sense of God’s presence before you, behind you, and holding onto your hand as He walks with you.
    Bev xx

  2. Kaitlyn,

    This is great wisdom to start each day with the truth of God. I need to instill God’s truth into me daily. We all do. We never know what to expect around the corner. Thankfully God is there mentoring us on this journey. He gives us clouds & sunshine in daytime & then fire & moonlight at night. When life throws curve balls at you & it will we can rest assured that He is there giving us hope. Each trial comes with a special gift wrapped in His loving goodness. God is & always has been here for us, No matter the time or place. He foreknew all that is happening to us. We can take heart in the promises of God. We can stand strong & courageous for He is with us never leaving or forsaking us. He is great at making beauty from ashes. Praying for all in 2019. May you be healthy, happy & grow spiritually. Be richly blessed.

    Blessings 🙂

    • Thanks, so much.. I pray that God will bless you all and water the garden of your souls as you have been…so gracious & loving to water ‘Ours’

  3. Yes sister! God is with us not against us! What extravagant love we’ve been given \0/ I needed this reminder today as my flesh is fighting for the win.. But God has won for me and I need to claim it!! Hope is my word and Do will follow! Blessings to and through you!

  4. Kaitlyn, thank you for this. I went through each of the verses listed at the end – Romans 8 is especially my favorite. This was my church this morning as I was not able to attend. Thank you again.

  5. What beautiful words Kaitlyn! I love that you start your day with those promises and truths. You are such an encouragement and inspiration. Thank you for sharing your truths and baring your soul so others can do the same. You’re a blessing.

  6. Thank you for a great reminder of who our savior is! You have truly been inspired by the Holy spirit to share with us how we can all go boldly into our future. Thank you and God bless you

  7. Thank you for your wise and comforting and yes, encouraging words of wisdom…reference by the Holy Scriptures. Need to keep this “message” taped to the mirror and read each day (along with the Word of God)! You are a Blessing!

  8. Beautiful, Kaitlyn.
    I loved the way you motivated me to think about the new year.
    I’ll pray for you and yours to have a blessed 2019.


  9. Thank you for sharing. A beautiful reminder that He surrounds us and is always with us. Praying you all have a blessed new year.