Ann Swindell
About the Author

Ann Swindell is passionate about equipping other women to share their stories beautifully and powerfully through Writing with Grace, where she teaches Christ-centered writing courses. She is the author of Still Waiting: Hope for When God Doesn’t Give You What You Want.

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  1. Thank you, Ann, for these cautionary words–so often we hear loud assertions that “YES” (in all caps!) is the only right answer to opportunity when it presents itself, and your experience argues for wisdom and for margin.
    Thank you for finding courage to implement a few well-placed nos in your life.

  2. As an owner of a small business providing creative services and having been the main source of income for my family for going on 2.5 years, I SO needed to read this. I’m at a crossroads with my business and looking at making some significant changes. I’m battling fear every day, and many of my yes/no decisions come down to finances in my mind. If I say yes to a project, it will bring in $____ that will go toward ____. If I say no, I’m missing out on that income and potentially other projects in the future that I may need to help pay our bills. It’s easy to justify just jumping in and saying yes.

    The truth is, cost goes both ways. Saying yes to a project may mean more income, but what will it cost me in terms of my relationships, health and stress levels? Something is always sacrificed.

    And yet, work still has to be done and life marches on. We must walk the line every day and manage that tension… because, this is life! 🙂 It is only by His Spirit that we have the wisdom to live, love and work faithfully, seeking and trusting Him in every decision and situation. Thank you so much for the timely reminder.

  3. It’s hard to admit this but I have done this! It’s hard to to say No when by all intents and purposes saying yes looks good on the outside, but deep down, you just know it wasn’t the right motive for saying yes. Silver lining though…you/we learn pretty quickly that you/we have to fully rely on God for the answer and not our own wisdom (Prov 3:5-6).

  4. Ann,

    I’m ding Lysa Terkeurst’s Bible study “The Best Yes”. She talks about making wise decisions. Making the most of the two most powerful words yes/no. One thing that stood out for me was “The decisions we make dictate the schedules we keep. The schedules we keep determine the live we live. The lives we live determine how we spend our souls. This is about honoring God with the time we have.” She talks about blocking out time for the “Best Yes”. We must make wise decisions. Everyone needs margin or spiritual white space in their lives. Time to rest in His presence by simply sitting with Him & enjoying a sabbath rest. Women tend to make decisions out of FOMO (fear of missing out). That is not using Godly wisdom. We should ask ourselves three important questions before decision making: 1) Have you been reading & praying through God’s word lately? 2) Have you been apply God’s word in your life lately? 3) Have you sought godly counsel & insights from wise people who know specifics about your situation? Do nothing out of fear, but seek wise Godly counsel before saying yes to everything. Great post.

    Blessings 🙂

  5. We recently moved, and I’ve done exactly what you’ve described — running through those open doors only to find myself swallowed up. Your post resonated with me. Thank you for pointing us back to Jesus!