About the Author

Robin is the author of For All Who Wander, her relatable memoir about wrestling with doubt that reads much like a conversation with a friend. She's as Southern as sugar-shocked tea, married to her college sweetheart, and has three children. An empty nester with a full life, she's determined to...

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  1. I also have a son entering his final year of college, and the changes come to the shores of this family like waves, but they are welcome evidence of life well-lived, so I’m looking at this empty-ing nest (still one high school son at home!) and wondering what’s next while still keeping the home fires burning. Your choice of the word “intersection” is a powerful reminder to me that God’s plans and mine meet in a sweet spot of giving and investing here while still dreaming and planning for a future that will be very different, but very good.

    This I love: “The intersection of God’s plans and your dreams is powerful, and it can change our world for the better.”
    Blessings to you, Robin!

    • Isn’t it an exciting season, waiting to see where they end up? There’s such an incredible tension to motherhood–holding your babies tightly while at the same time, letting them go.

      Thank you for being such a sweet encourager, Michele. 🙂

  2. Robin,
    I used to think (in my younger years) that I had to get everything accomplished right now – today! I’ve since come to take heart that some of the Bible’s most memorable characters didn’t accomplish their Bible-worthy narratives until well into their senior years….Moses, Abraham, Paul, etc. So, there’s always still time. I am finding that I keep having to “re-invent” myself. Multiple surgeries forced my exit from teaching. Time on the sidelines recuperating birthed a blog (writing has always been a love of mine). A blog birthed a Christian school in the Middle East. (This was totally a God thing). I still have some hopes and dreams in me….a book perhaps? See the Holy Lands? God, I’m sure, has some plans of His own so I will not get too set on MY dreams as He may need me someplace else. Can you say “control freak” learning to “go with the flow”?? I think I’d get a kick out of naming nail polish colors with you, Robin! (in)courage me sunshine (bright yellow). 🙂
    Bev xx

    • Bev, yours is an incredible, hope-filled God-story (the best). There’s such a beauty to finding new dimensions within yourself, and I can’t help but think of the Shrek quote about an onion having many layers. Who knew being like an ogre could be a good thing? 🙂

      And ooooo! I *like* that color! <3

  3. Robin, My daughter,our only child,started her senior year of college this month as well. Pain kept me from being able to go with my husband to move her in(my mom thing is to make up her bed). Pain has also kept me from writing as much as I’d like on my second novel. But your post today comforts and inspires me. Thank you.

    • Kathleen,

      As hard as I know that must’ve been for you, this is how I find myself thinking about things like this, when I’m prevented from doing something I wanted to do for w/e reason: God had something else in mind; and if this is “how” it’s turned out, then for some reason it must be for the best. And then I try to imagine all the good reasons that were a result of my not being able to do the thing. I don’t know if that will help you, but it’s a mental practice I’m trying to cultivate :). I’m praying for you as I write, for relief from your pain to enable you to continue doing the good work God has called you to.

  4. Starting my writing journey ten years ago (at age 58), I’m cheering you on Robin! I loved “don’t worry about going wide with the masses, go deep with a few”! I almost walked away from it all (blogging and writing a book) because of the social media demands. Then I heard the still voice of the Holy Spirit reminding me it was His platform, not mine that mattered, and that He had already connected me with the “right” people. You go girl!

    • Rosie, oh, how your words make me smile! Thank you for cheering ME on! You touched on something that’s so true, though. The social media world is loud; we have to be still in order to hear God’s voice in it, don’t we? I’m so glad you listened and heard :).

  5. Thank you for your beautiful inspiring post this morning. As I visited with a friend last night we talked about what my family’s future looked like. We own our own business for 25 years and now are in a transition of hopefully selling it. The Lord willing! My only son helps us operate it as well. It is such a blessing to have in there and to be able to see him daily. However he has a girlfriend in the United States (we are here in Canada. )He eventually plans to move there. So much uncertainty for our future. But I am trusting that God will show me the right path and what new adventures He has for us all! So many different prospects in my mind but am confident that He will open the doors!

    • Life is nothing if not a grand adventure, right Darlene? You have the perfect state of mine in this; saying goodbye to this business isn’t an easy thing, but it’s the step that will lead you to the next thing, and THAT is exciting!! :).

  6. I just turned 60 last month and after more than ten years of freelance writing, my devotional book First Breath of Morning – Where God Waits For You Every Day – A 90 Day Devotional is coming out October 1st, so it is not about age but following the call God puts in our hearts.

    I will pray for God’s blessings to richly pour out on your words as you write your book!

    • Oh, Kathy…your prayers are precious to me. Thank you, sincerely.

      And YOU GO, GIRL! I’m here happy dancing for you! Your book birthday will be the same day incourage’s new devotional Bible is released, so you share a very special book birthday. I am proud of you for following the Lord and trusting Him and His perfect timing (such an encouragement to all of us).

  7. There is purpose and promise in the middle. Praise God for this counter-cultural hope! Naomi, Moses, Caleb, Anna – powerful stories of living every last drop of life without excuse or fear. Thanks, Robin, for the fresh wind of encouragement!

    • YES! There IS purpose and promise in the middle! Sometimes it doesn’t feel like it, which is exactly why we don’t place our trust in feelings. Thank you for these strong reminders, Michelle. xo

  8. Thank you for your words today! Both of my sons are into that next part of their lives but even still I feel like a “cat.” It’s my greatest joy to watch them fly.

    I’m thankful for the truth that it’s never too late. God continues to tell me that even as I find myself in a waiting season. You have encouraged me to remember God has so much more for all of us.

    • Mary,

      In seasons of waiting when they seem to go on “forever,” it helps me so much to believe that God is STILL working in the waiting…even if I can’t see it. xo

  9. Thank you for the encouragement I know God needed me to hear this morning. Yesterday was spent wiping away tears of discouragement and asking Him what is next, because my life feels all used up. I’m 61, raising a 12 year old granddaughter, newly divorced after 35 years of marriage due to my husband’s ongoing affair, and trying to find a way to start over in a meaningful way. My four children with him are adults and on their own.

    The long term affair and the emotional abuse I suffered deeply traumatized me, and I lost all my passion for everything I used to find pleasure in doing. Yet those desires still swirl quietly in my mind. I’ve responded countless times with “Why bother? You are no longer young and what’s the point now?” I’ve tried to ignore all of it and find something else to fill that empty place in my heart.

    All that you wrote resonated deeply with me, and I somehow felt permission to go ahead; no more discounting my talents and abilities and interests and dreams. No more setting life aside. I’m not too old. It is never too late to start again and I’m glad that our God cares about those things. Thank you for sharing!

    • Linda,

      First, you need a {{hug}}. You’ve endured an awful thing, and it makes me sad for you, and yet God is able to redeem those broken places, to restore you to Himself, for His glory and your good, sweet sister. No more excuses (even if they’re really good ones :/). NOW is the time for you to look forward, and to Him, because you GET TO join Him in a holy work that will bless those around you and honor Him. Our defeat only pleases our enemy, and he wants nothing good for you; despair is his love language. I’m hopeful you’ll hear the truth of our King and His beauty and grace, and bravely step into new land.

      • Thank you for your kind response. I think what’s been the hardest is trying to do the things I used to love, and feeling mostly apathy. I miss that passion and losing myself in it all. Writing is about the only thing that I have never stopped embracing, since I keep a journal, and writing keeps me sane and connected to myself. Maybe it is at least a start that I’ve missed those old, cast aside pieces of ME-wanting them back and willing to try again.

        Years ago I used to help lead worship with my guitar and sing. I have yearned to be called again to do so. I would love to be a therapist…seems like people often share their hearts with me and know I’ll listen and care for them. I used to photograph weddings professionally and exhibit my black and whites I made in my darkroom-mostly of people from everywhere, because I love people! So when I was betrayed and my heart was wounded and ripped for close to ten years, it was like I began to die inside and gradually all of my passions did too. So much felt stolen from me.

        I’m seeing more and more how God really is the Redeemer of brokenness and loss. I love that verse in Joel 2:25 where He promises to restore what the locust has eaten….and I really do want to produce good and Godly fruit with the abilities He has given me, and not sit idle or remain a victim! Maybe I WILL write that book that everyone keeps telling me to write……who knows!

        • That scripture in Joel is a favorite of mine, too :). It is such a clear picture of God’s redemptive work in this world. It is a joy to hear the hope stirring in your “voice.” Keep on, Sister…we’re all waiting! 🙂

    • Linda,

      Sending a huge ((((((((((HUG)))))))))))) your way. You’ve been through the proverbial ringer. It’s easy to get down on ourselves. Like Robin said God can redeem those broken pieces of your life. He will make beauty out of ashes. Don’t look at the past-it is over. Look to the bright & sunny future God has in store for you. He has great & mighty plans for you. Plans to prosper-give you a hope & a future. May you hear God’s Whispers of Rest calling you to join Him. I pray you find peace & calm May He send you a discerning heart to know His will for you life. It will be amazing I’m sure!

      Blessings 🙂

      • Beth,

        Thank you for your hugs and prayers for a discerning heart about what God wants for me. That is exactly what I had prayed yesterday in my discouragement! The despair came from looking at the past, which I need to stop doing. It is over, and time to stop grieving, and move ahead. I would rather focus on what good things can come out of this, and what He can do with me!

  10. This!!! “never, ever, ever underestimate the power and influence of one kind and loving gesture toward another. Don’t worry about going wide with the masses; go deep with the few.”
    I so want to remember and revel in this. I’m also beginning to step into some daydreams that won’t go away. I’m glad we can cheer each other on! Woohoo!

  11. This post is AWESOME! I’ve really gotten lost in my role as wife and mother of three BUT I’m coming back! Especially since the nest will be empty soon. Congratulations to You and Yours in this senior year and beyond! I’m really looking forward to my children’s futures as well! Really thinking/considering some things regarding “my” future and you’ve encouraged me all the more! Am I sensing His leading but resisting His calling??? hmmm Thank You! Also what am (was) I waiting for? Retirement, I thought, in 10 years but…hmmm…Thank You again!

    • Shayla!! Your comment and all your caps, question marks, and exclamation points made me smile big! If these words encourage you, that encourages ME. Isn’t that lovely as our response to God’s leading brings blessing to the body? Please keep me posted on your plans :). I AM FOR YOU!

      • What an ENCOURAGER you are! Thanks soooo much! You are so right about God’s leading bringing blessing to the body because as He reveals, and we see ourselves being “unique” in any given area, we will add value! We know that no one else could possibly do what He’s called us to do, the WAY WE WOULD DO IT!

  12. Wow, thanks for sharing this, Robin! It spoke to my spirit and confirmed what was in my heart about an opportunity that came my way. Today’s devotion was in God’s perfect timing for me, so thank you.

    I am also encouraged to dream God-sized dreams and trust that what’s been in my heart for so long is there because He’s placed it. I pray that in His perfect timing He will provide an opportunity to intersect those dreams with His plan.

    God bless you! I look forward to your book!

    • Aixa, Oooooo, this sounds exciting. When confirmation comes in the way you’ve described, I call it a Godwink or a Lifeline… They are reasons to celebrate, and praise Him for loving us so deeply, aren’t they? <3

      • “Godwink” or “lifeline”, love that! Definitely much reason to celebrate! He is faithful. Have a great weekend, Robin!

  13. Scary times… it is never too late… retired this year at 64 and feel God calling me to pursue my passion of writing. It’s an exciting journey with doors opening all around me (too new to close, yet). As a professional musician, I asked God, “this, too? I’m already busy with music”. But He is saying “this, too”. He is unlimited. I am the weak one, His instrument. Let the adventure begin! Thank you for all your amazing encouragement straight from God’s heart!

    • Macy,

      This comment thread is one big, fat encouragement! I feel like an incourage cheerleader, and I’m SO excited to hear your willingness to be obedient to the One who’s calling you into a “this, too” thing. 🙂 Thank you for your kind comment.

  14. I need to write my story and it’s haunted me for 12 years! But I’m like Moses asking for God to send me an Arron?! Does anyone know a writing coach that will help me?! I don’t have a lot of finacial resources but I can offer a mini vacation spot for someone who wants to come to one of the most beautiful and natural parts of Canada?! My husband and I live on a little lake called skiff lake in New Brunswick, we are very close like 20 minutes away from the boarder of Maine USA and NB Canada, we have a little cottage and a cute little guest house ! And my husband is a carpenter, an artist and best of all a chef!!! If anyone is interested in a holiday coaching project please forward my email to incourage or anyone you know and I can send them my info! Thank for the encouragement to even write this post!!

    • Well, this sounds like an interesting proposition, MaryAnn. I’m not familiar with a writing coach I could recommend, but I sure hope someone sees this and reaches out to you. Start writing NOW and when you find that special person, you’ll already be on your way :).

  15. Robin,

    This world tells us to do everything now while you’re young. Don’t wait to long to accomplish goals. Wisdom tells us otherwise. Many many people have done great things later in life. Grandma Moses started painting at 76. John Glenn went into space at 77. Peter Roget invented the Thesaurus at 73 and Colonel Sanders started KFC 65. Ben Franklin signed Declaration of Independence at 70. It is never ever to late to begin again. Pray about your dreams & ask God for His will. This: “Don’t go wide with the masses go deep with a few.” Hits home for me. Never thought I could be a “missionary” or have a witness. That was until recently. God is calling me to help my elderly neighbor, in-laws & others locally. Go cook a meal or spend time with them. Shower them with God’s love. It never surprises me what God has in store for me at 53. Can’t wait to see what the future holds. With God anything is possible!

    Praying blessings on the book!

    Blessings 🙂

    • Beth, Thank you for pointing out specific people who saw incredible accomplishment in the second half of their lives. We *know* these people and it’s so helpful to have such great examples of what can be done if we TRY :).

  16. After being home with my kids for 21 years I abruptly had to enter the work force at 47….talk about humbling. I was going up against new college grads for jobs! I landed my first one and now 11 years later I work for a major auto manufacturer. I honestly pinch myself some days at how God fast tracked my career for me. Point being, it’s never too late. While motherhood is my most important role, God Has used my career to give me joy in a ways I couldn’t have even imagine.
    Thanks for sharing your story to remind us all! ❤️

    • Kim, Thank you for giving us a real life example in yourself. You inspired me, and I know others all around you. You had to take those leaps of faith, and it’s lovely to see you thriving. xo

  17. I’m also praying that God will provide the time to write a book. I just started high school, so I’m super busy. But we both have to trust that if God wants these books to succeed, they will succeed, because that’s the only way they’ll happen. Thank you for this encouraging post.

    • Emily!! Your comment is a reminder that no matter your age or stage in life, “it’s not too late.” You can even feel that way in high school, and I’m super proud of you for sharing your dream of writing a book! I’m trusting God for His perfect timing for you.

  18. It’s never too late! My dad graduated from college when I graduated from junior high school. My mom graduated from college and my dad got his Masters degree the year I graduated from high school. My mom got here Masters two years later. All of this was accomplished while working and raising a family. My dad had two passions. He was first and foremost a pastor to churches who could not afford one that wasn’t willing to work another job. He also taught school and kids and teachers came from all over when he was sick and passed away. What an inspiration they were to my sister and me. They never expected perfection, just our best.
    Your post has brought back so many wonderful memories of those tough, wonderful, messy years that were the best years of my living at home. Thank you!

    • Oh, Donna…what a beautiful example and legacy your parents provided. I can only imagine ALL the ways that impacted you, your family, and those whose lives they intersected. It is a blessing to me to have helped stir these memories in YOU! Thank you for sharing such an inspirational tribute to you mama and daddy :). xo

  19. These words jumped off the computer screen and right into my heart: “Don’t worry about going wide with the masses; go deep with a few.” You are so right, Robin. Thank you for the encouragement!

  20. Robin, this writing was a true blessing to me!! I have been searching for a job. I have been ‘in a hurry’ to get started. Now I am finding the job search is longer and harder than it was when I was 25. And almost everything is online!!
    I recently was contacted by a school about becoming a CNA. I was interested and jumped on the chance. Why? Because I felt in my heart this is what God wants me to do! I also will need to slow down. I was becoming frustrated that nothing was ‘panning out’. I literally threw my hands in the air at one point and thought, ‘I am just too old!’ Now I know God had something different for me in mind. Thank You, God, for showing me the way!!
    I have a list of jobs that I know I would love as well!! Ballerina, a country veterinarian, neurologist, writer, cardiologist, tea and pastry shop owner, social worker, pianist, violinist, artist (sketching or painting), and many more. You are not the only one 🙂
    Again, thank you for this wonderful writing and may God continue to speak to you 🙂

    • Jackie, First, I love this: ” Now I know God had something different for me in mind.” YES! That is having a tender and receptive heart to hear from HIM. Sometimes we get so busy trying to control things around us, we miss His best for our lives. How exciting to start a VERY new thing for you! Second, j’adore your imaginary jobs!! Thank you for sharing yours, and for helping me not to feel like such a nut case :). xo

      • How truly kind of you, Robin! My imaginary jobs make me smile at times. There are times I want to pursue some type of doctor’s degree but I kinda feel I am a little too old.

        I am not sure I am starting with the next CNA class. My husband said not now. I am going to see about financial help.

        Have a beautiful week, Robin!!

        Love in Him,

  21. You are speaking straight to my heart… it’s been a journey the past 2 years… Landing in a new decade 60… it’s time to fly… to walk in more freedom than I have ever known… 60-70 is going to be my best decade yet!!! And congratulations on your book

  22. Robin. I am so glad you are writing a book. Your children are a little ahead of mine in age and I have so enjoyed reading your blogs. You are such an encouragement. My oldest daughter just started college and I have a Junior in high school. I am grieving and rejoicing at the same time.
    To all of you who write – keep at it. I do not have that gift and am so blessed by those who do. It amazes me.
    Blessings to you all as you follow God’s callings in this life.