About the Author

Mary is a writer and speaker who lives for good books, spicy queso, and television marathons – but lives because of God’s grace. She writes about giving up on perfect and finding truth in unexpected places at MaryCarver.com. Mary and her husband live in Kansas City with their two daughters.

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  1. What a wonderful post, Mary! Thank you. Being the mother of a 10-year old boy, I don’t have the delight of a legitimate reason to listen to pop songs, but you’re post has shown me how the new and old can mingle, drawing out the truths that we all need to rely on. Everything comes back to the power of God in the end.

  2. Oh! Thank you for this beautiful truth, Mary. It’s true of me, as well. So often I cave in, give up, lay down my arms in the battle against sin and toward righteousness. And yet, Jesus fights on my behalf, and I love this reminder that He will not give up, because He DID not give up, even when His assignment was to face the cross.
    Thank you for fighting words today!

  3. Mary,
    Absolutely beautiful post! There is a worldly myth that somehow we have the power if we just dig deep enough. We can dig to our toes, but like you pointed out so wonderfully, the power isn’t in us….it’s in Him. If we are in Christ then we have resurrection power through Him working in us. His blood not only covers our sin, but courses through our veins. His grace is sufficient. He is able. When we run out of our own steam, we need to run into His arms. He’s ready and waiting and more than enough to get us through whatever giant it is we’re facing. Awesome!
    Bev xx

    • Bev, you’re so right – our culture really promotes the idea of self-strength, when in fact we have nothing of the sort and need so much Spirit-strength instead!

  4. God bless your day, Mary. Thank you for this wonderful reminder to keep on keeping on. May it touch the hearts of all who are discouraged today.

  5. Thank you so much for that beautiful analogy. It will forever be a reminder for me to keep pressing, because the great advocate “Jesus” , stayed up (on the cross), rose up (from the grave),so we could get up from those things that try to get the best of us.

    • Love knowing Jesus is our “advocate” too! Thanks for being this reminder into the conversation.

  6. Mary,

    This world is full of trials & tribulations. Often times we feel like throwing in the towel & giving up. The devil would like nothing more than for us to be depressed & quit. God says we are more than conquerors IN ALL THINGS through Him who loved us. It is only through the shed blood of Christ that we can be victors. Not through might or our own power. When trials come & they will we need to run to the strong arms of God & “fight like a warrior”-on our knees. Pray hard & let God help us fight the battle.

    Blessings 🙂

  7. Amen, such a great reminder and encouragement that no matter the situation or obstacle that we can do all things through His blood.

  8. Thank you for this message. Today I am facing some challenges physically and emotionally that has nearly frozen me. I am on a time crutch to get some things done that are overwhelming me. Your last four sentences spoke directly to me and has given me the courage to face and do what I need to get done. Beautiful reminder of the power of His blood. What a blessing for me this morning. Again thank you. Please pray for me as I deal with what is before me.

  9. It’s so funny how God has a way of sending you exactly what you need to hear. I am in an emotionally and verbally abusive relationship and am struggling to get out. I texted my sister to say that I was worried I wasn’t going to be strong enough. When I feel those fears, this will help me to remember that it isn’t in my blood but in the blood that Jesus sacrificed for me. Thank You!

    • Elizabeth it’s never an easy decision, but as a sister in Christ who has been in two emotionally and verbally abusive marriages, God will give you the strength and courage to leave. It may seem like you’re giving up, and in a sense you are, but you are choosing life. God can restore the land that the locust have destroyed. My prayers are with you.

    • Elizabeth, I pray that God gives you wisdom and strength, and peace of mind as you move forward. And I’m thanking Him now, because I know that is exactly what He will do.

  10. Mary,
    I fully appreciate your beautifully written words. Another thought, our blood is our life line whereas His blood is what gives it quality.
    Have a blessed day all,

  11. This was very much needed this morning. Thank God He has taught me it’s OK to be weak and vulnerable and that giving up is okay. That just means I can depend more on Him, His strength! No more pressure to appear stronger than what I really am! I can let God be strong in me!

  12. So real, true, and freeing! I, too, have given up many times with some really grievous ways. But this truth that it is “not is HIS blood” to give up is what has freed me, is freeing me and will free me, and not only me but all of us who place our faith, trust and hope in this gracious and victorious Lord and Savior of ours! I’m so grateful for the way the Lord took the worldly thinking of positive thinking, self-affirmation, and self-help to this beautiful hymn of truth that we are weak and in great need of Jesus’ power in the blood. Amen, sister!

  13. Thank you for the reminder. Sometimes life is so very hard and overwhelming, and I feel lost, alone and friendless. I needed to be reminded that “I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.”

  14. It’s late at night, and I was just hit in the gut with a realization during a phone call a few minutes ago. Tears have fallen, but I’m fighting the world’s facts with my JESUS’ TRUTH. I click into this and read of His Power, reminding me that one day, HE will Right every Wrong, wipe away all our tears, and put everything under His feet! ….. Maranatha, Lord Jesus! <3 ….and may all believe in Your Truth before it's too late….Okay, now is prayer time with my husband ~ ~ ~

    • Jeannie, I hope you were able to rest peacefully last night in the knowledge that God is still on the throne, and He is a good God who loves you and will give you every thing you need. Love to you today!

  15. Thank you for this needed message. I feel as if I am walking on this long dark path. Grief does that to a person I guess and I never truly knew what grief was until the death of my best friend. It’s only been 5 months and yet I feel her absences every single day. I am 43 years of age and to think that most likely I will still be around for the next 30 years without her is unbearable. I want to give up at times. I want to just be with her but I know my family will miss me. I know God have a plan for me even when I clearly don’t see it or want to see it. I find myself asking God all the questions one might ask when the death of a loved one is so unexpected. I trust that God will send me a friend to comfort me through this. Thank you for sharing.

  16. This is right where I am living–between the daily wishing “I can’t do this” was a card I could play to get me out of every hard circumstance I am facing and that gentle knowing “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” So good. So so good, friend. Thank you. <3 (PS I am totally the kind of cool that cries in pop songs)

  17. Same. It’s a contemporary battle cry of “you are enough” – I get it, I get the need for it – but it’s not true. We aren’t. Not w/o the Blood. Great post. (and yes my songs are now oldies.)

  18. Mary,

    Yes, with Jesus we do not have to give up. We can’t Afterall he never gave up on us. I loved your post. Thank you for linking up with Grace & Truth Christian Link-up. Your post caught my eye. We chose the same picture. Maree