Ann Swindell
About the Author

Ann Swindell is passionate about equipping other women to share their stories beautifully and powerfully through Writing with Grace, where she teaches Christ-centered writing courses. She is the author of Still Waiting: Hope for When God Doesn’t Give You What You Want.

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  1. Amen and Amen! that’s all I can say in response to this beautiful post! Thank you SO much for confirming what the Holy Spirit spoke to me when I began to worry about a choice that I made concerning my finances for year 2017. He told me not to worry about a future that although was unseen by me, was (already) FULLY known by Him…in other words, “I (God) got this”. Hallelujah!!! I especially like the encouragement in your post that said “…and God met me in my fear”. What an AMAZING God we serve that He will ABSOLUTELY do just that because He loves us just that much. Thank you SO much for sharing your encouraging testimony. 🙂

  2. Ann,
    Thank-you for such a beautifully put post. What you’ve described I too am grateful for. My hope for everyone is that they may also feel His gift of peace, and warmth in a safe place.

    I hope that you have a blessed, and Merry Christmas,

  3. This brought tears to my eyes! So many childhood memories. Now I am 53, with my own kids but those memories are so present aand loved. I thank God for His presence in my life and for His care through the years and I hope He is waiting for me at mu final peaceful home.

  4. Anna,

    It is so easy to fret and fear over what ifs and the future. God continually tells us Fear Not. I’ve learned over the years to not be anxious but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Sure I have worries. I have been through some rough medical trials with my aging dad these past few years and God has always been there for me. God graciously healed my dad & in the process allowed me to witness a miracle! God is already in the future and has plans for us. “Plans to prosper us and not to harm us”. Trust God and pray about everything!

    Blessings 🙂 Have a Christ-filled and joyous Christmas!

    • Beth, I love your reminder of the Scripture that we never need to be anxious but can always bring our heart to the Lord through prayer. Praise him! And Merry Christmas to you, as well!

  5. Ann,

    This is my 54th Christmas and I still long for those childhood days of innocent joy and peace at Christmas time — those years when I wasn’t responsible for anyone, barely even myself. Oh to go back. I guess we still can, as you’ve said, resting in the security of our Heavenly Father’s care.

    At the same time, once we outgrow life in our childhood homes, we know that soon we get to provide that same beautiful, innocent security to little ones under our own care. And that is a privilege. Other than teaching our younguns about the Heavenly Father and salvation in Jesus, I don’t know of a greater gift we can share.

    Thank you for your beautiful story and encouragement.

    • Cheri, that cycle of receiving and giving–first as children and then as adults–is such a picture of life in the body of Christ, isn’t it? Thanks for your words and encouragement.

  6. Sweet testimony, Ann. 🙂 This is a gift of peace and calm to my spirit this morning as my 21 year old has already left the nest and my 18 year old is not far behind him. My mother’s heart for them is to look into the blurry, yet untold future and see God–already there. And, at the same time, always feel as sense of comfort and home with memories and traditions of their childhood days. Thank you for sharing. Merry Christmas, Ann. 🙂

  7. There is no greater gift than His Peace and He left it for us, I think it is lost when we worry, fear, or let someone take our joy. It certainly is a crown that we must wear, a true gift from Him.

  8. One of my hardest Christmases was the year my daughter, then in an exchange program overseas, asked if our Christmas gift to her could be a roundtrip plane ticket–not home to us, but to her college town across the country from us, so she could spend Christmas with her friends. We gave it to her, because it meant so much to her, but we were sad not to have her home.

  9. Isn’t it ironic that when we’re young children, we wish to grow up, and when we’re grown up, we wish we could be young children again! Praise God for the memories (especially those enhanced by thick rose-colored glasses). But praise God, too, that we can also view the future through rose-colored glasses because of God’s wisdom, sovereignty, and gracious love. His peace is always available. Thank you, Ann, for the poignant reminder!

    • Nancy, I love what you said–that we can look to the future through those same rose-colored glasses. Yes! There is such beauty up ahead, even through the difficulties we face here on earth. Thanks for your words. Merry Christmas!

  10. Thank you for sharing this word, as I need not fear the battle against cancer and the radiotherapy treatment I am having for five weeks. God has gone before me and I have a hope and future and in my weakness God is my strength. I need to remain in His Presence and receive His Peace and remember His Grace and Mercy are sufficient for each new day. God Bless you and use your gifting to reach, teach and encourage others. x

  11. This is so beautiful. I remember having the same feelings as a college student and even today. Goodness, I needed this reminder that He gives the gift of peace. That I am safe with Him.