Elisa Pulliam
About the Author

Elisa Pulliam is the author of Meet the New You and Unblinded Faith as well as a speaker, life coach, and founder of MoretoBe.com. She is passionate about inspiring women to experience a fresh encounter with God and His Word for the sake of impacting the next generation.

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  1. I’m definately at this place in my life right now. It’s so amazing how The Lord gives us just what we need, just when we need it. I’ve been pealing back the layers for a while now. I’m anxious to see what lies ahead!!!

    • Renae, thank you so much for sharing how the Lord is meeting you today, even through these words. Isn’t it amazing how He knows exactly what we need and when we need it!

  2. Elisa, thank you for this uplifting and clarifying post this morning. As I reconcile my past and move forward into the future plans Jesus has for me, it can be scary but beautiful to see Him walking with me through each baby step. There is a great hope in that. I love how you talked about “It’s a daily choice to walk in Truth, seeking God in the process of reconciling the past while giving to Him every present-day offense, disappointment, insecurity, and warped way of thinking.” That is the challenge of healing these things. May each of us walk in His Truth reconciling and letting go 🙂

    • Scary and beautiful — yes, that does describe the healing process, doesn’t it! I give God glory for the hope He’s put in your heart and pray, too, that we may walk in His Truth, reconciling and letting go!

  3. Love the trap & transform idea on taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ! I was blessed by your article Elisa totally related to the layers of linoleum lol
    We tend to cover over what we don’t like instead of dealing with its removal. My husband’s family is dealing now with layers that have been buried and are surfacing. The Lord like you said & I love~ is waiting to change our hearts! smile emoticon

    “While we’re pressing on toward change, God is waiting for access to our hearts” Elisa Pulliam

    • Oh yes, Linda — it’s our nature to cover up the mess rather than deal with it. May the Lord give us courage to look at life from His perspective and walk out the Truth together!

  4. yes! inviting God to transform us is def where hope is found. we are sure good at trying on our own aren’t we?! Looking back IS a great way to grow forward. Loved that.

    • Jenny, thanks for sharing how this post hit you. May God fill you with fresh hope on this transformation journey!