Emily Freeman
About the Author

Emily P. Freeman is a writer who creates space for souls to breathe. She is the author of four books, including her most recent release, Simply Tuesday: Small-Moment Living in a Fast-Moving World. She and her husband live in North Carolina with their twin daughters and twinless son.

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  1. Emily,
    I like how you describe your memories as not being so much a montage of vignettes, but instead more of a blanket of safety that envelopes you. I like that image and I realize that my mother created that for me…that will be her legacy…and I so pray that I have provided that for my children. Carrying that image and that goal with me today and in the days ahead. Thank you for a beautiful word picture this morning!

  2. Wow the timing of this is interesting. I took out a box of candle making supplies last night to “make” with my daughter. In it was a note from my mum, from when she had gone away one time. It simply said I’ll miss you, I love you and I’m proud of you. It made me cry (she died 19 years ago). But I felt her love nonetheless. I also found a handmade “birth certificate” for a bear some friends had given me as a teenanger. Random surprises. I hope to do the same for my girls.

  3. Love the whole concept of “creating safe spaces for souls to breathe.” I’m thinking of two specific women who opened their homes to me over and over and over again. As a twenty-something, single, brand new Christian woman, they let me watch their lives. Because of them, I became the woman I am today. Now, it is my turn. Time to let young women sit around my table and feel safe enough to be and to grow. Beautiful, Emily, simply beautiful!

    • I love that, Janell! It really isn’t as complicated as I sometimes try to make it – simply being present and available goes a really long way.

      • Oh, I totally get that….I always complicated things…..with three 20-somethings now, I realize how my “presence” is still what they love the most……oh, don’t get me wrong, I’m sure they love the “presents,” but my presence is far more valuable at this stage of their lives. This past June I had a serious surgery and it ruffled their feathers in a way I didn’t expect……sometimes we don’t appreciate what we have until it isn’t “available” or “present.” Keep writing Emily!!!!!

  4. So beautifully written, Emily. Sometimes we need to remember that that it’s our children that our legacy matters most to. 🙂 Thank you for reminding me of this.

  5. This is wonderful. Remembering the legacy my Mother has left but needing the reminder that I need to leave the same legacy for my two children.
    My mother is 81 years old. My older brother and his wife visit her every Sunday evening for popcorn and grape juice. He recently sent a message to his three sisters that when they entered her aprtment she was quietly singing hymns to herself. Oh the memories. She was always humming or singing hymns as she did housework, cooked, rocked us in her chair. That is a legacy!

  6. Emily,
    Such a sweet post! It was nice that you had memories of safety that enveloped you during that trip! I don’t have any children, but I want to leave a Godly, loving legacy to the people around me. To that end I visit my aging dad twice a week in the assisted living. I do small acts of kindness for friends and hubby. I want to shower them with Christ’s love. Soon I will bake some bread for new neighbors just moving in down the street.
    Blessings 🙂

  7. Thanks for linking to this from your blog. Leaving a legacy of words as a writer also makes me more aware how much the words I say out loud have an impact as well. My failings are part of that trail, too, but hopefully they serve as testaments to God’s redemptive work.

  8. Emily,

    I loved your final words: “In my experience, the gift that others most treasure is when I give the gift of myself.” I have recently been struggling with how I can leave a legacy…and I’m only twenty years old. I love this statement you made because it shows me that I need to continue letting go of trying hard, and instead simply be myself. Thank you for those words of encouragement.