Arabah Joy
About the Author

Arabah is the story of transformation, from Dry, Barren Desert to Garden of Glory. From Mess up to Missionary. From Rejected to Restored. I am Arabah.

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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
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  1. What a blessing. Really moved me to consider my beliefs and to ask the Lord to show me the blemished perceptions I have of Him and to give me revelation about His true character. Bless you and thank you for sharing.

  2. What a powerful, inspiring testimony!! 🙂 How wonderful that He with the Truth of Love , Grace and Mercy can free us from bondage!

  3. This touched my soul. The simple and the profound. . the way God spoke to you through His Word and through your daughter.. both of you His daughters. . royalty. Beautifully written. Praise to God for creating beauty from ashes. Lots of love to you!

  4. Ladies, thank you much for your humbling words and the hope that shines through your comments. Jesus is Wonderful Counselor and what a party we have when all His patients come together to speak of His wonders!

  5. Beautiful writing. I loved this and your story of adoption is a powerful one. It reminds me of the power we have to be the Hands of Jesus to the children in our lives. Even the rejected ones.

    Thanks for writing this piece and sharing it today.